20454_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps 20454 locus nuclear sequences
Nexus format data file containing mitochondrial control region and ATPase 6&8 DNA sequences from Aqu...
This file contains the aligned 96789bp chloroplast sequences from 103 accessions across 37 diploid H...
This file contains sequences of the mtDNA gene ND2 for 75 Zosterops kulambangrae and 56 Z. murphyi. ...
20454_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps 20454 locus nuclear sequences
ATPase_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps ATPase 6 and ATPase 8 mitochondial sequenc...
ND2_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenas...
ND5_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenas...
ARCO_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps hypervariable domain I of the noncoding contr...
Zipped file containing 12 phylip files that contain the sequence data from all individuals for all 1...
NEXUS file containing the nuclear ribosomal protein S7 (RPS7) intron 2 dataset alignment, which incl...
Chloroplast sequence data for rp132 trnL for seven Virentes species and 327 individuals. Sequence le...
The file contains the plasmid sequences of pLVK3, pLVSK4, pTmcherryK4, pTN001, and pTN002
Nexus file including 497 cytochrome-b sequences (943bp) of Eleotris sandwicensis from Hawaii analyze...
The file includes population DNA sequences from 12 loci of hydrothermal vent polychaete Alvinella po...
A phylip-format file containing the sequence data (12712 bp from 12 genes for 2871 amphibians and on...
Nexus format data file containing mitochondrial control region and ATPase 6&8 DNA sequences from Aqu...
This file contains the aligned 96789bp chloroplast sequences from 103 accessions across 37 diploid H...
This file contains sequences of the mtDNA gene ND2 for 75 Zosterops kulambangrae and 56 Z. murphyi. ...
20454_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps 20454 locus nuclear sequences
ATPase_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps ATPase 6 and ATPase 8 mitochondial sequenc...
ND2_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenas...
ND5_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenas...
ARCO_File: Amazilia viridifrons and Amazilia violiceps hypervariable domain I of the noncoding contr...
Zipped file containing 12 phylip files that contain the sequence data from all individuals for all 1...
NEXUS file containing the nuclear ribosomal protein S7 (RPS7) intron 2 dataset alignment, which incl...
Chloroplast sequence data for rp132 trnL for seven Virentes species and 327 individuals. Sequence le...
The file contains the plasmid sequences of pLVK3, pLVSK4, pTmcherryK4, pTN001, and pTN002
Nexus file including 497 cytochrome-b sequences (943bp) of Eleotris sandwicensis from Hawaii analyze...
The file includes population DNA sequences from 12 loci of hydrothermal vent polychaete Alvinella po...
A phylip-format file containing the sequence data (12712 bp from 12 genes for 2871 amphibians and on...
Nexus format data file containing mitochondrial control region and ATPase 6&8 DNA sequences from Aqu...
This file contains the aligned 96789bp chloroplast sequences from 103 accessions across 37 diploid H...
This file contains sequences of the mtDNA gene ND2 for 75 Zosterops kulambangrae and 56 Z. murphyi. ...