<p>A. Mean chlorophyll <i>a</i> of corals (n = 10) in each individual tank, not pooled by treatment due to a significant tank effect. Therefore each treatment is shown twice, representing each replicate tank, i.e. two LT-LCO<sub>2</sub>, two LT-HCO<sub>2</sub>, two HT-LCO<sub>2</sub>, and two HT-HCO<sub>2</sub>, from left to right. Dissimilar letters indicate means that are significantly different following <i>post-hoc</i> Tukey’s HSD test. Mean chlorophyll <i>a</i> of corals (each bar represents n = 40) depicting the main effects of temperature (B) and feeding (C). Dissimilar letters indicate means that are significantly different following <i>post-hoc</i> student’s t-test. Error bars represent ± one standard error.</p
<p>Means followed by the same lower-case letter in a column and followed by the same upper-case lett...
<p>Bars representing mean values with same alphabets on the top are not significantly different (P<0...
<p>Bars show the percentages of normal (white) and degraded (black) forms of <i>Symbiodinium</i>. Do...
<p>Mean symbiont density of corals (n = 10) in each individual tank, not pooled by treatment due to ...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, HT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents 30°...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, LT-HCO<sub>2</sub> represents 26°...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, LT-HCO<sub>2</sub> represents 26°...
<p>(a) Temperature represents the average of the three experimental tanks (…) and three control tank...
Chlorophyll a means ± 1 standard error from NDS field experiments (see Fig 2 caption). (A) For exper...
<p>(a) Mean chlorophyll <i>a</i> content, (b) Progression rate difference between control and experi...
<p>Tukey honest significance difference test results are indicated, where capital letters are descri...
<p>Lower case letters denote statistically homogeneous subsets across temperature and experiment but...
<p>(A) <i>Symbiodinium</i> cell number (B) chlorophyll <i>a</i> levels per surface area (C) photosyn...
<p>Error bars indicate 1 SD. Letters a, b, c indicate significant (<i>p</i>< 0.05) differences in Ch...
<p>Bars are untransformed means and error bars are +1 SE, shared letters above the bars indicate mea...
<p>Means followed by the same lower-case letter in a column and followed by the same upper-case lett...
<p>Bars representing mean values with same alphabets on the top are not significantly different (P<0...
<p>Bars show the percentages of normal (white) and degraded (black) forms of <i>Symbiodinium</i>. Do...
<p>Mean symbiont density of corals (n = 10) in each individual tank, not pooled by treatment due to ...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, HT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents 30°...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, LT-HCO<sub>2</sub> represents 26°...
<p>LT-LCO<sub>2</sub> represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, LT-HCO<sub>2</sub> represents 26°...
<p>(a) Temperature represents the average of the three experimental tanks (…) and three control tank...
Chlorophyll a means ± 1 standard error from NDS field experiments (see Fig 2 caption). (A) For exper...
<p>(a) Mean chlorophyll <i>a</i> content, (b) Progression rate difference between control and experi...
<p>Tukey honest significance difference test results are indicated, where capital letters are descri...
<p>Lower case letters denote statistically homogeneous subsets across temperature and experiment but...
<p>(A) <i>Symbiodinium</i> cell number (B) chlorophyll <i>a</i> levels per surface area (C) photosyn...
<p>Error bars indicate 1 SD. Letters a, b, c indicate significant (<i>p</i>< 0.05) differences in Ch...
<p>Bars are untransformed means and error bars are +1 SE, shared letters above the bars indicate mea...
<p>Means followed by the same lower-case letter in a column and followed by the same upper-case lett...
<p>Bars representing mean values with same alphabets on the top are not significantly different (P<0...
<p>Bars show the percentages of normal (white) and degraded (black) forms of <i>Symbiodinium</i>. Do...