<p>Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Red: African Americans; Blue: Asian Americans; Yellow: Caucasians; Green: Hispanics.</p
Local ancestry estimates from RFMix for the non-HLA risk variants that passed QC, sorted in order of...
<p>Mean PGF levels (right vertical axis) are shown as solid black dots connected by solid lines for ...
<p>Genetic and ethnic stratification of high-risk PCs as fractions of all high-risk PCs in each PSA ...
<p>Asterisks represent p-values: * p<0.05; ** p<0.005; *** p<0.0005. Red: African Americans; Blue: A...
<p>Fitted lines correspond to the regression coefficients of a 50 year old female. Top left: HDL; to...
<p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0126361#pone.0126361.t0...
<p>Phenotypic variation of height (in cm) observed in the GENEVA study is partitioned into genetic v...
<p>Rates for black women (and their error bars) have been scaled by the phenotype-specific coefficie...
<p>The squares and horizontal lines correspond to the study specific odds ratios and 95% confidence ...
<p>Each column represents one individual. The lengths of lines with different colors in each column ...
<p>Only healthy control participants of the replication studies that were fully genotyped at all 7 l...
<p>Panel A: quartiles of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D genetic risk score in relation to C-reactive protei...
<p>Positive values indicate an overall overestimation of NA ancestry by the observers, compared to t...
We thank Aaron Ragsdale, Dominic Nelson, and Simon Gravel for identifying a coding error in the setu...
Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Traits are colour-coded to represent those we expecte...
Local ancestry estimates from RFMix for the non-HLA risk variants that passed QC, sorted in order of...
<p>Mean PGF levels (right vertical axis) are shown as solid black dots connected by solid lines for ...
<p>Genetic and ethnic stratification of high-risk PCs as fractions of all high-risk PCs in each PSA ...
<p>Asterisks represent p-values: * p<0.05; ** p<0.005; *** p<0.0005. Red: African Americans; Blue: A...
<p>Fitted lines correspond to the regression coefficients of a 50 year old female. Top left: HDL; to...
<p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0126361#pone.0126361.t0...
<p>Phenotypic variation of height (in cm) observed in the GENEVA study is partitioned into genetic v...
<p>Rates for black women (and their error bars) have been scaled by the phenotype-specific coefficie...
<p>The squares and horizontal lines correspond to the study specific odds ratios and 95% confidence ...
<p>Each column represents one individual. The lengths of lines with different colors in each column ...
<p>Only healthy control participants of the replication studies that were fully genotyped at all 7 l...
<p>Panel A: quartiles of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D genetic risk score in relation to C-reactive protei...
<p>Positive values indicate an overall overestimation of NA ancestry by the observers, compared to t...
We thank Aaron Ragsdale, Dominic Nelson, and Simon Gravel for identifying a coding error in the setu...
Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Traits are colour-coded to represent those we expecte...
Local ancestry estimates from RFMix for the non-HLA risk variants that passed QC, sorted in order of...
<p>Mean PGF levels (right vertical axis) are shown as solid black dots connected by solid lines for ...
<p>Genetic and ethnic stratification of high-risk PCs as fractions of all high-risk PCs in each PSA ...