<p>Genes within the pathway showing differential expression are highlighted in colour. The colour intensity indicates the degree of elevated expression in Suffolk (red) or in Texel (green). Grey shading indicates genes that were not differentially expressed; white shading represents genes in the pathway not represented on the RNA-seq data.</p
<p>Red symbols are assigned for up-regulated and green for down-regulated genes. Node shape correspo...
<p>The shade of red color in genes indicates the number of targeted SNPs in JP population per base p...
<p>Genes associated with intracellular PRR signalling showing differential expression are highlighte...
<p>Genes within the pathway showing differential expression are highlighted in colour. The colour in...
<p>The green nodes in this canonical pathway indicate the down-regulated genes in LBW newborns. The ...
<p>Genes within the pathway showing differential expression are highlighted in colour. The colour in...
<p>The gene network was generated using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software. Genes upregulated in no...
<p>The canonical pathway indicates the down-regulated genes in LBW newborns as green nodes. The unco...
<p>Down-regulated genes are in green, up-regulated genes in red. Color intensity corresponds to the ...
The data set containing gene identifiers and corresponding fold changes and p-values generated from ...
(A) Number of differentially expressed genes that vary over time in the standard and modified tissue...
<p>Each column represents an experimental condition, and each row represents a gene that is differen...
<p>Genes shown were filtered for interactions reported in humans only and presented by cellular loca...
<p>Protein regulation expression patterns overlaid from first biological replicate. Red indicates up...
<p>The scheme shows the altered transcripts involved in lipid metabolism pathways (according to IPA ...
<p>Red symbols are assigned for up-regulated and green for down-regulated genes. Node shape correspo...
<p>The shade of red color in genes indicates the number of targeted SNPs in JP population per base p...
<p>Genes associated with intracellular PRR signalling showing differential expression are highlighte...
<p>Genes within the pathway showing differential expression are highlighted in colour. The colour in...
<p>The green nodes in this canonical pathway indicate the down-regulated genes in LBW newborns. The ...
<p>Genes within the pathway showing differential expression are highlighted in colour. The colour in...
<p>The gene network was generated using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software. Genes upregulated in no...
<p>The canonical pathway indicates the down-regulated genes in LBW newborns as green nodes. The unco...
<p>Down-regulated genes are in green, up-regulated genes in red. Color intensity corresponds to the ...
The data set containing gene identifiers and corresponding fold changes and p-values generated from ...
(A) Number of differentially expressed genes that vary over time in the standard and modified tissue...
<p>Each column represents an experimental condition, and each row represents a gene that is differen...
<p>Genes shown were filtered for interactions reported in humans only and presented by cellular loca...
<p>Protein regulation expression patterns overlaid from first biological replicate. Red indicates up...
<p>The scheme shows the altered transcripts involved in lipid metabolism pathways (according to IPA ...
<p>Red symbols are assigned for up-regulated and green for down-regulated genes. Node shape correspo...
<p>The shade of red color in genes indicates the number of targeted SNPs in JP population per base p...
<p>Genes associated with intracellular PRR signalling showing differential expression are highlighte...