<p>Graphical representation of bacterial community similarity in GI regions sampled from <i>Agkistrodon piscivorus</i> individuals: A- C) Venn diagrams of small intestine (A), large intestine (B) and cloacal (C) samples from the three individuals sampled destructively (103, 110, 111). Circles are drawn such that the area of the circle is proportional to the number of OTUs found in each region. Numbers represent the number of OTUs either shared or specific to that individual. D) 95% majority rule consensus tree based on Yue & Clayton theta distances for bacterial communities in all individuals sampled (numbered) with branches colored by sample region (blue = small intestine, black = large intestine, red = cloacal).</p
<p>The 97% similarity grouped OTU bacterial communities were associated with humpback whale skin sam...
<p>Samples are shaded based on human microbiome habitat characteristics (black = gut/mouth, gray = m...
<p>(A) Dual dendrogram of top 50 bacterial genera across three metagenomes obtained after TEFAP anal...
<p>Nonmetric multidimensional plots (three dimensions, stress <0.2; the first two dimensions are sho...
(A) Cluster analysis based on bacterial community composition at the family level. AK-jellyfish exum...
<p>Relative abundance of bacterial lineages found in cloacal samples of <i>Agkistrodon piscivorus</i...
<p>Principal coordinates plots (PCoA) were generated using the pairwise unweighted UniFrac distances...
<p>For each rumen sample and microbial group, a matrix of pair-wise Pearson similarities was constru...
<p>Analyses were performed with different levels of the rare sequences removed (<1%, <5%, or <10% of...
Community tree of abalone visceral extract based on 16S rRNA gene sequences at the genus level. The ...
<p>Relative abundance of major bacterial lineages found in various regions of the gastrointestinal t...
<p>Box plot showing the relative abundance of the bacterial genera shared by all samples, represente...
<p>Genus-level abundances were examined for genera whose references accrued >0.025 (2.5%) of the map...
<p>The phylogenetic tree is the first layer constructed based on the representative OTU sequences, a...
<p>Lines connect circles with the species centroid; species are colour-coded (see Legend). Despite f...
<p>The 97% similarity grouped OTU bacterial communities were associated with humpback whale skin sam...
<p>Samples are shaded based on human microbiome habitat characteristics (black = gut/mouth, gray = m...
<p>(A) Dual dendrogram of top 50 bacterial genera across three metagenomes obtained after TEFAP anal...
<p>Nonmetric multidimensional plots (three dimensions, stress <0.2; the first two dimensions are sho...
(A) Cluster analysis based on bacterial community composition at the family level. AK-jellyfish exum...
<p>Relative abundance of bacterial lineages found in cloacal samples of <i>Agkistrodon piscivorus</i...
<p>Principal coordinates plots (PCoA) were generated using the pairwise unweighted UniFrac distances...
<p>For each rumen sample and microbial group, a matrix of pair-wise Pearson similarities was constru...
<p>Analyses were performed with different levels of the rare sequences removed (<1%, <5%, or <10% of...
Community tree of abalone visceral extract based on 16S rRNA gene sequences at the genus level. The ...
<p>Relative abundance of major bacterial lineages found in various regions of the gastrointestinal t...
<p>Box plot showing the relative abundance of the bacterial genera shared by all samples, represente...
<p>Genus-level abundances were examined for genera whose references accrued >0.025 (2.5%) of the map...
<p>The phylogenetic tree is the first layer constructed based on the representative OTU sequences, a...
<p>Lines connect circles with the species centroid; species are colour-coded (see Legend). Despite f...
<p>The 97% similarity grouped OTU bacterial communities were associated with humpback whale skin sam...
<p>Samples are shaded based on human microbiome habitat characteristics (black = gut/mouth, gray = m...
<p>(A) Dual dendrogram of top 50 bacterial genera across three metagenomes obtained after TEFAP anal...