<p>Multistate, multiseason models fitted to the rusa adult male camera trap data collected in winter and summer.</p
<p>Selection on the eight mark–resight models fitted to investigate the population size of sika deer...
k = number of model parameters, RSS = residual sum of squares, weights = AIC weights, RMSD = root me...
<p>The model-averaged detection probabilities of rusa deer at locations without adult male rusa deer...
<p>Multiseason occupancy models for rusa deer camera trap data collected in winter and summer.</p
<p>Two-species occupancy models for rusa deer and red deer camera trap data collected in summer 2011...
<p>Summary of the camera trap data for rusa deer and red deer by year and season.</p
<p><i>Left</i>: Pupal and adult population over the course of a year for the maximum likelihood fit ...
<p>The list of the data sets used in the development of seasonal ecological niche models including s...
Independent multiple detection events at the same site within a single sampling occasion were reduce...
Camera trap detection / non-detection data for bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, and red foxes from 6 mi...
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2013 (Sep-...
Semi-annual elk age ratio (calves per 100 adult females) data and linear models by year for (A) timb...
<p>Camera trap sun bear detection data, collected between 2000–2015, were combined from 31 field sit...
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2014
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2014
<p>Selection on the eight mark–resight models fitted to investigate the population size of sika deer...
k = number of model parameters, RSS = residual sum of squares, weights = AIC weights, RMSD = root me...
<p>The model-averaged detection probabilities of rusa deer at locations without adult male rusa deer...
<p>Multiseason occupancy models for rusa deer camera trap data collected in winter and summer.</p
<p>Two-species occupancy models for rusa deer and red deer camera trap data collected in summer 2011...
<p>Summary of the camera trap data for rusa deer and red deer by year and season.</p
<p><i>Left</i>: Pupal and adult population over the course of a year for the maximum likelihood fit ...
<p>The list of the data sets used in the development of seasonal ecological niche models including s...
Independent multiple detection events at the same site within a single sampling occasion were reduce...
Camera trap detection / non-detection data for bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, and red foxes from 6 mi...
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2013 (Sep-...
Semi-annual elk age ratio (calves per 100 adult females) data and linear models by year for (A) timb...
<p>Camera trap sun bear detection data, collected between 2000–2015, were combined from 31 field sit...
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2014
Location (rows) by sampling day (columns) camera trap effort matrix for the dry season of 2014
<p>Selection on the eight mark–resight models fitted to investigate the population size of sika deer...
k = number of model parameters, RSS = residual sum of squares, weights = AIC weights, RMSD = root me...
<p>The model-averaged detection probabilities of rusa deer at locations without adult male rusa deer...