<p>Each bar represents mean (+SEM) difference in consumption per predator (<i>C</i>. <i>novemnotata</i> eggs—<i>C</i>. <i>septempunctata</i> eggs) for a single treatment combination across two factors, predator (C9 = <i>C</i>. <i>novemnotata</i>, C7 = <i>C</i>. <i>septempunctata</i>), and aphid density (0 or 20 pea aphids). A value of 0 represents no difference in consumption of the eggs of the two species. Columns with the same letter are not significantly different (<i>p</i> > 0.05).</p
<p>Number of fertile eggs in control (n = 144), sham (n = 144) and albumen-deprived group (n = 240)....
<p>Means ± SE followed by different lowercase letters in the same column were significantly differen...
<p>Graph bars represent mean ± SE of number of adults emerged (a), number of eggs produced by DBM ad...
<p>Each bar represents mean (+SEM) egg consumption per predator for a single treatment combination a...
<p>Each bar represents mean (+SEM) egg consumption per predator for a single treatment combination a...
<p>A denotes <i>Adalia</i>, <i>C</i> denotes <i>Chrysoperla</i>, AA dom and CC dom denote the domina...
<p>*Means in a column followed by different letter are significantly different (SNK test, <i>P</i><0...
(A) G1 intrinsic rate of population increase (Rm), (B) G2 nymph dry weight and (C) G1 survival. For ...
<p><b>Effect of female removal on proportion of core brood eggs (A) parasitized, (B) predated, (C) c...
<p>Means ± SE followed by different lowercase letters in the same column were significantly differen...
<p>Values are mean ± SE. Means within a column followed by differing letters are differ significantl...
<p>(A) Negative relationship between PC 3 (a measure of edge composition) and the number of <i>C. ma...
<p>(a) Proportion of mummies formed for the exposed treatment lines (in grey) and the control lines ...
<p>The different letters on the tops of the bars indicate significant differences (p <0.001).</p
The percentage (%) of time spent in each half of the olfactometer chamber, exhibited by (A) pea aphi...
<p>Number of fertile eggs in control (n = 144), sham (n = 144) and albumen-deprived group (n = 240)....
<p>Means ± SE followed by different lowercase letters in the same column were significantly differen...
<p>Graph bars represent mean ± SE of number of adults emerged (a), number of eggs produced by DBM ad...
<p>Each bar represents mean (+SEM) egg consumption per predator for a single treatment combination a...
<p>Each bar represents mean (+SEM) egg consumption per predator for a single treatment combination a...
<p>A denotes <i>Adalia</i>, <i>C</i> denotes <i>Chrysoperla</i>, AA dom and CC dom denote the domina...
<p>*Means in a column followed by different letter are significantly different (SNK test, <i>P</i><0...
(A) G1 intrinsic rate of population increase (Rm), (B) G2 nymph dry weight and (C) G1 survival. For ...
<p><b>Effect of female removal on proportion of core brood eggs (A) parasitized, (B) predated, (C) c...
<p>Means ± SE followed by different lowercase letters in the same column were significantly differen...
<p>Values are mean ± SE. Means within a column followed by differing letters are differ significantl...
<p>(A) Negative relationship between PC 3 (a measure of edge composition) and the number of <i>C. ma...
<p>(a) Proportion of mummies formed for the exposed treatment lines (in grey) and the control lines ...
<p>The different letters on the tops of the bars indicate significant differences (p <0.001).</p
The percentage (%) of time spent in each half of the olfactometer chamber, exhibited by (A) pea aphi...
<p>Number of fertile eggs in control (n = 144), sham (n = 144) and albumen-deprived group (n = 240)....
<p>Means ± SE followed by different lowercase letters in the same column were significantly differen...
<p>Graph bars represent mean ± SE of number of adults emerged (a), number of eggs produced by DBM ad...