Co-Immunoprecipitation and Blue Native PAGE analysis between NLRP7 and ZBTB16.

  • Heike Singer (232666)
  • Arijit Biswas (752609)
  • Nicole Nuesgen (762689)
  • Johannes Oldenburg (138185)
  • Osman El-Maarri (138189)
Publication date
June 2015


<p><b>A.</b> Co-immunoprecipitation of transiently transfected ZBTB16 (Myc-tagged) and NLRP7 (Flag-tagged) in HEK293T cells. Immunoprecipitation was done using an anti-Flag specific antibody. Quantification of interaction between NLRP7 and ZBTB16 was determined relative to NLRP7 full-length. <b>B.</b> Co-immunoprecipitation of five ZBTB16 deletion constructs del1-5 (Myc-tagged) by immunoprecipitation of full-length NLRP7 (Lane 1) or one of four NLRP7 deletion constructs (lane 2–5; Flag-tagged) using an anti-Flag specific antibody. <b>C.</b> Blue Native gel electrophoresis of NLRP7 (Flag-tagged) and ZBTB16 (Myc-tagged) after transient transfection in HEK293T cells. Native protein extraction was performed using different concentrations of dig...

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