<p>ART: antiretroviral therapy, ATV: atazanavir, DRV: darunavir, EFV: efavirenz, ETR: etravirine, FTC: emtricitabine, IQR: interquartile range, LPV: lopinavir, MVC: maraviroc, NNRTI: non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NVP: nevirapine, PI: protease inhibitors, RAL: raltegravir, TDF: tenofovir, /r: boosted with ritonavir.</p><p>Baseline characteristics of the 116 patients.</p
<p>ART, antiretroviral therapy; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTI, non-nucleo...
<p>“Baseline” is defined as the initiation of a raltegravir-containing regimen. ABC (abacavir), 3TC ...
†<p>Race abbreviations: W, white, non-Hispanic; H, Hispanic; B, black.</p>§<p>Time of documented con...
a<p>Values represent n (% with characteristic) or median (interquartile range).</p>b<p>Patient had a...
M (IQR), Mean (interquartile range). ATVrtv, atazanavir boosted with ritonavir. ATV400, unboosted-at...
<p>Abbreviations: ART: antiretroviral therapy; GT: genotype; Tx: therapyNR: null response; PR: parti...
<p>ELV/c = elvitegravir/cobicistat, AZT = zidovudine, LPV = lopinavir, /r = boosted with ritonavir, ...
a<p>All values are expressed as No. (%), unless otherwise indicated.</p>b<p>Median (interquartile ra...
<p><sup>HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus, eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate, HCV = hepat...
<p>TDF: tenofovir, ABC: abacavir, IQR: interquartile range, BMI: body mass index, eGFR: estimated gl...
<p>3TC, lamivudine; ATV/r, ritonavir-boosted atazanavir; AZT, zidovudine; ABC, abacavir; d4T, stavud...
<p>Baseline characteristics of patients at initiation of lopinavir/ritonavir-based second line ART, ...
<p>*Arithmetic mean.</p><p>ATV/r: ritonavir-boosted atazanavir, PI: protease inhibitor, SD: standard...
<p>ART: antiretroviral therapy, NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NNRTI: non-nucleo...
<p><sup>†</sup>median (interquartile range)</p><p>Nine patients were taking both PI/r and NNRTI, 1 p...
<p>ART, antiretroviral therapy; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTI, non-nucleo...
<p>“Baseline” is defined as the initiation of a raltegravir-containing regimen. ABC (abacavir), 3TC ...
†<p>Race abbreviations: W, white, non-Hispanic; H, Hispanic; B, black.</p>§<p>Time of documented con...
a<p>Values represent n (% with characteristic) or median (interquartile range).</p>b<p>Patient had a...
M (IQR), Mean (interquartile range). ATVrtv, atazanavir boosted with ritonavir. ATV400, unboosted-at...
<p>Abbreviations: ART: antiretroviral therapy; GT: genotype; Tx: therapyNR: null response; PR: parti...
<p>ELV/c = elvitegravir/cobicistat, AZT = zidovudine, LPV = lopinavir, /r = boosted with ritonavir, ...
a<p>All values are expressed as No. (%), unless otherwise indicated.</p>b<p>Median (interquartile ra...
<p><sup>HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus, eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate, HCV = hepat...
<p>TDF: tenofovir, ABC: abacavir, IQR: interquartile range, BMI: body mass index, eGFR: estimated gl...
<p>3TC, lamivudine; ATV/r, ritonavir-boosted atazanavir; AZT, zidovudine; ABC, abacavir; d4T, stavud...
<p>Baseline characteristics of patients at initiation of lopinavir/ritonavir-based second line ART, ...
<p>*Arithmetic mean.</p><p>ATV/r: ritonavir-boosted atazanavir, PI: protease inhibitor, SD: standard...
<p>ART: antiretroviral therapy, NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NNRTI: non-nucleo...
<p><sup>†</sup>median (interquartile range)</p><p>Nine patients were taking both PI/r and NNRTI, 1 p...
<p>ART, antiretroviral therapy; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTI, non-nucleo...
<p>“Baseline” is defined as the initiation of a raltegravir-containing regimen. ABC (abacavir), 3TC ...
†<p>Race abbreviations: W, white, non-Hispanic; H, Hispanic; B, black.</p>§<p>Time of documented con...