<p>Numbers of sample plots and trees grouped into classes of stand density index (SDI) for Mongolian oak.</p
Girth class wise distribution of total basal area and density of trees across the timberline of Khan...
<p>Tree diameter distributions (10 cm size classes) by density for snags and live single (i.e., non-...
Density-size relationships have potential value in guiding thinnings and in the development of shelt...
<p>Tree biomass grouped by size class for the first and second surveys of the Las Cruces forest dyna...
<p>Number of sampled forest stands in strata, separated by dominant tree species and age (total fore...
<p>Total number of plots, plant families, genera and species of trees in different forest types.</p
Note: (A) Represents the scatter plot of stand density in coniferous sample plots. (B) Represents th...
Selected tree species for the study and functional classification according to phenology and wood de...
<p>Number of trees per height class along the two altitudinal gradients; n, number of trees per plot...
<p>Note: class 0 (DBH ≥1 cm), class 1 (1 cm ≤ DBH <5 cm), class 2 (5 cm ≤ DBH <10 cm), class 3 (10 c...
Number of surveyed plots and floristic traits for (a) superclusters and (b-d) clusters within the th...
<p>The total number of occurrences of each species (Panel A), the number of plots in which each spec...
<p>Number of plants sampled in the different populations, with characteristics of the soil at each s...
<p>Number of deforestation patches (N), their average size (Size), proximity index (Prox), nearest n...
<p>Proportions of main plant categories in assemblages of each period of the Baligang site.</p
Girth class wise distribution of total basal area and density of trees across the timberline of Khan...
<p>Tree diameter distributions (10 cm size classes) by density for snags and live single (i.e., non-...
Density-size relationships have potential value in guiding thinnings and in the development of shelt...
<p>Tree biomass grouped by size class for the first and second surveys of the Las Cruces forest dyna...
<p>Number of sampled forest stands in strata, separated by dominant tree species and age (total fore...
<p>Total number of plots, plant families, genera and species of trees in different forest types.</p
Note: (A) Represents the scatter plot of stand density in coniferous sample plots. (B) Represents th...
Selected tree species for the study and functional classification according to phenology and wood de...
<p>Number of trees per height class along the two altitudinal gradients; n, number of trees per plot...
<p>Note: class 0 (DBH ≥1 cm), class 1 (1 cm ≤ DBH <5 cm), class 2 (5 cm ≤ DBH <10 cm), class 3 (10 c...
Number of surveyed plots and floristic traits for (a) superclusters and (b-d) clusters within the th...
<p>The total number of occurrences of each species (Panel A), the number of plots in which each spec...
<p>Number of plants sampled in the different populations, with characteristics of the soil at each s...
<p>Number of deforestation patches (N), their average size (Size), proximity index (Prox), nearest n...
<p>Proportions of main plant categories in assemblages of each period of the Baligang site.</p
Girth class wise distribution of total basal area and density of trees across the timberline of Khan...
<p>Tree diameter distributions (10 cm size classes) by density for snags and live single (i.e., non-...
Density-size relationships have potential value in guiding thinnings and in the development of shelt...