In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde durch die Kombination zweier nichtinvasiver MR-Methoden in vivo untersucht, ob sich die funktionelle Sprachlateralisierung in einer strukturellen Asymmetrie der weißen Substanz widerspiegelt. Dafür wurden die Ergebnisse einer Patientengruppe mit Temporallappenepilepsie mit den Ergebnissen einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels BOLD MRT eine Sprachlateralisierung in der grauen Substanz nachgewiesen werden kann, die mit einem strukturellen Korrelat in der weißen Substanz der sprachdominanten Hemisphäre einhergeht. Dieses Korrelat konnte als Asymmetrie der Mikrostruktur der weißen Substanz in DTI-Messungen belegt werden. Darüber hinaus konnte bewiesen werden, dass Pati...
Labudda K, Mertens M, Janszky J, Bien CG, Woermann FG. Atypical language lateralisation associated w...
Studies have shown that when compared to more invasive methods, fMRI is an accurate predictor of lan...
Language lateralisation refers to the phenomenon in which one hemisphere (typically the left) shows ...
Recent studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have advanced our knowledge of the organization ...
Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically f...
Die Ursache für das idiopathische Stottern ist bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unbekannt. Typischerweise ...
Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically f...
Epilepsiechirurgie ist eine effektive und sichere Behandlungsmöglichkeit für Patienten mit medikamen...
Defining language lateralisation is important to minimise morbidity in patients treatedsurgically fo...
TLE eriskinde epilepsinin en sık görülen türüdür. Dil islevi ile ilişkili beyin alanlarının, cerrahi...
Abstract: The involvement of the right and left hemispheres in mediating language functions has been...
Introdução: A lateralização atípica de linguagem (LAL) é mais frequentemente observada em indivíduos...
Aims: To evaluate the role of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in epilepsy management an...
This doctoral work consists of several studies that investigated the relationship between language ...
The human brain is divided into left and right hemisphere, and there are functional differences betw...
Labudda K, Mertens M, Janszky J, Bien CG, Woermann FG. Atypical language lateralisation associated w...
Studies have shown that when compared to more invasive methods, fMRI is an accurate predictor of lan...
Language lateralisation refers to the phenomenon in which one hemisphere (typically the left) shows ...
Recent studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have advanced our knowledge of the organization ...
Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically f...
Die Ursache für das idiopathische Stottern ist bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt unbekannt. Typischerweise ...
Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically f...
Epilepsiechirurgie ist eine effektive und sichere Behandlungsmöglichkeit für Patienten mit medikamen...
Defining language lateralisation is important to minimise morbidity in patients treatedsurgically fo...
TLE eriskinde epilepsinin en sık görülen türüdür. Dil islevi ile ilişkili beyin alanlarının, cerrahi...
Abstract: The involvement of the right and left hemispheres in mediating language functions has been...
Introdução: A lateralização atípica de linguagem (LAL) é mais frequentemente observada em indivíduos...
Aims: To evaluate the role of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in epilepsy management an...
This doctoral work consists of several studies that investigated the relationship between language ...
The human brain is divided into left and right hemisphere, and there are functional differences betw...
Labudda K, Mertens M, Janszky J, Bien CG, Woermann FG. Atypical language lateralisation associated w...
Studies have shown that when compared to more invasive methods, fMRI is an accurate predictor of lan...
Language lateralisation refers to the phenomenon in which one hemisphere (typically the left) shows ...