<p>Dental measurements (in mm.) of <i>Kerberos langebadreae</i> gen. & sp. nov.</p
<p>A-C; MNHN.F.EBA 518a, left hemimandible bearing canine, M<sub>2</sub>-M<sub>3</sub>; A, occlusal ...
Tooth heights (mm) for all premaxillary teeth and first three maxillary teeth of all Varanus and out...
<p>Range, mean, SD, and RSD are given in millimeters, SDL is in log millimeters, ME and CV are in pe...
<p>Dental measurements of <i>Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis</i> (in millimeters).</p
<p>Mandibular measurements of <i>Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis</i> (in millimeters).</p
<p>* indicates estimated measurements.</p><p>Measurements (mm) of preserved teeth of <i>Archaeodoben...
<p>Dental measurements (in mm) of <i>Kretzoiarctos beatrix</i> from ACM/C6-Camí (this study) and Nom...
<p>Measurements (in mm) of the dentition of UBB MPS 15795, holotype of <i>Sellamynodon zimborensis</...
<p>Mandibular dental measurements for Equus asinus specimen from Locus 114506, Basket 1145054.</p
<p>Measurements of maxillary teeth of the holotype of <i>Torvosaurus gurneyi</i> (ML 1100).</p
<p>Selected maxillary measurements (in mm) of <i>Pararhabdodon isonensis</i>.</p
<p>Skull and mandibular measurements of <i>Caipirasuchus stenognathus</i> MZSP-PV 139 (in millimeter...
<p>Comparison of the tooth width measurements between the plaster models and intraoral scans.</p
<p>ADM, anterior denticles per millimetre; BW, basal width; CH, crown height; FABL, fore-aft basal l...
Amount and total length of serrations on the tooth crown for V. komodoensis, V. salvadorii, and V. s...
<p>A-C; MNHN.F.EBA 518a, left hemimandible bearing canine, M<sub>2</sub>-M<sub>3</sub>; A, occlusal ...
Tooth heights (mm) for all premaxillary teeth and first three maxillary teeth of all Varanus and out...
<p>Range, mean, SD, and RSD are given in millimeters, SDL is in log millimeters, ME and CV are in pe...
<p>Dental measurements of <i>Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis</i> (in millimeters).</p
<p>Mandibular measurements of <i>Khoratpithecus ayeyarwadyensis</i> (in millimeters).</p
<p>* indicates estimated measurements.</p><p>Measurements (mm) of preserved teeth of <i>Archaeodoben...
<p>Dental measurements (in mm) of <i>Kretzoiarctos beatrix</i> from ACM/C6-Camí (this study) and Nom...
<p>Measurements (in mm) of the dentition of UBB MPS 15795, holotype of <i>Sellamynodon zimborensis</...
<p>Mandibular dental measurements for Equus asinus specimen from Locus 114506, Basket 1145054.</p
<p>Measurements of maxillary teeth of the holotype of <i>Torvosaurus gurneyi</i> (ML 1100).</p
<p>Selected maxillary measurements (in mm) of <i>Pararhabdodon isonensis</i>.</p
<p>Skull and mandibular measurements of <i>Caipirasuchus stenognathus</i> MZSP-PV 139 (in millimeter...
<p>Comparison of the tooth width measurements between the plaster models and intraoral scans.</p
<p>ADM, anterior denticles per millimetre; BW, basal width; CH, crown height; FABL, fore-aft basal l...
Amount and total length of serrations on the tooth crown for V. komodoensis, V. salvadorii, and V. s...
<p>A-C; MNHN.F.EBA 518a, left hemimandible bearing canine, M<sub>2</sub>-M<sub>3</sub>; A, occlusal ...
Tooth heights (mm) for all premaxillary teeth and first three maxillary teeth of all Varanus and out...
<p>Range, mean, SD, and RSD are given in millimeters, SDL is in log millimeters, ME and CV are in pe...