<p>The line within each box represents the median, and the height of each box represents the first and third quartiles.</p
(a) Number of eggs per mother included in our egg volume analysis and (b) number of broods per femal...
<p>The proportion of parasitized brood cells from all sites and years combined.</p
<p>California Sheephead (<i>Semicossyphus pulcher)</i> (A) mean numerical density, (B) total abundan...
<p>The solid line represents the values expected according to the ANCOVA. The dotted lines represent...
<p>Mean ± SD. Total is shown in parenthesis.</p><p>Data provided by the Centro Mexicano de la Tortug...
<p>The dashed line refers to the intervention, and the number of eggs per ovitrap per week was asses...
<p>Also shown are the precipitation (mm) and temperature (°C) profiles for September 2010 to June 20...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data, the three fitted lognorma...
<p>There were 7 parental combinations: a) female x male D2S3, b) female x male PK10(F), c) female x ...
<p>Each kernel smoothed map of egg densities is based on the number of eggs deposited throughout one...
<p>Maps are based on eggs laid in 262 sentinel-ovitraps during low and high egg density seasons, bef...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data and fitted lognormal distr...
<p>The proportion of eggs (±95% confidence interval) laid by females in the different treatments. Or...
<p>Data were pooled over the three years of study. Plots show fitted values (solid lines) and 95% co...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data and fitted lognormal distr...
(a) Number of eggs per mother included in our egg volume analysis and (b) number of broods per femal...
<p>The proportion of parasitized brood cells from all sites and years combined.</p
<p>California Sheephead (<i>Semicossyphus pulcher)</i> (A) mean numerical density, (B) total abundan...
<p>The solid line represents the values expected according to the ANCOVA. The dotted lines represent...
<p>Mean ± SD. Total is shown in parenthesis.</p><p>Data provided by the Centro Mexicano de la Tortug...
<p>The dashed line refers to the intervention, and the number of eggs per ovitrap per week was asses...
<p>Also shown are the precipitation (mm) and temperature (°C) profiles for September 2010 to June 20...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data, the three fitted lognorma...
<p>There were 7 parental combinations: a) female x male D2S3, b) female x male PK10(F), c) female x ...
<p>Each kernel smoothed map of egg densities is based on the number of eggs deposited throughout one...
<p>Maps are based on eggs laid in 262 sentinel-ovitraps during low and high egg density seasons, bef...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data and fitted lognormal distr...
<p>The proportion of eggs (±95% confidence interval) laid by females in the different treatments. Or...
<p>Data were pooled over the three years of study. Plots show fitted values (solid lines) and 95% co...
a) Egg diameter distribution on longline collectors. b) Experimental data and fitted lognormal distr...
(a) Number of eggs per mother included in our egg volume analysis and (b) number of broods per femal...
<p>The proportion of parasitized brood cells from all sites and years combined.</p
<p>California Sheephead (<i>Semicossyphus pulcher)</i> (A) mean numerical density, (B) total abundan...