Plot of the 198 Ae. tauschii accession geographic coordinates against the seed-production PC values. A. Latitude. B. Longitude. (TIFF 32105 kb
Physical positions on the A, B and D genomes of wheat of all markers present on the genetic maps of ...
Table S1. SNP genotypes, plant height, QTL detection rate and genotype and allele frequencies for 91...
Correlation between distance to origin of domestication (km) and genetic diversity (H E ) in rye acc...
Intraspecific lineage divergence and its association with reproductive trait change during species r...
Figure S1. Linkage disequilibrium (r2) as a function of genetic distance (mean of whole genome) with...
Quantification of DNA elements in accessions of 5 wild emmer wheat population. Figure S2. Relative q...
Figure S1. Geographic origins of 1152 global wheat accessions used in the current study. a Geographi...
Figure S3. Analysis of population structure in 672 introduced cultivars based on 47 KASP markers. a ...
Optimization of the number of subpopulations (K value) for 238Â T. urartu accessions by the method o...
Figure S6. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Chinese landraces (CL) and modern Chi...
Figure S2. Analysis of population structure in 480 Chinese wheat accessions based on 47 KASP markers...
List of tetraploid wheat species used in the study and their growth habit. Species names are given a...
Table S4. Observed (expected) counts of B. distachyon retention mechanisms by SSD age. Table S5. Obs...
Figure S2. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) distributions on 21 chromosomes in 125 wheat lines, ...
Table S1. GO terms significantly associated with each climate variable. Table S2. Candidate genes co...
Physical positions on the A, B and D genomes of wheat of all markers present on the genetic maps of ...
Table S1. SNP genotypes, plant height, QTL detection rate and genotype and allele frequencies for 91...
Correlation between distance to origin of domestication (km) and genetic diversity (H E ) in rye acc...
Intraspecific lineage divergence and its association with reproductive trait change during species r...
Figure S1. Linkage disequilibrium (r2) as a function of genetic distance (mean of whole genome) with...
Quantification of DNA elements in accessions of 5 wild emmer wheat population. Figure S2. Relative q...
Figure S1. Geographic origins of 1152 global wheat accessions used in the current study. a Geographi...
Figure S3. Analysis of population structure in 672 introduced cultivars based on 47 KASP markers. a ...
Optimization of the number of subpopulations (K value) for 238Â T. urartu accessions by the method o...
Figure S6. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Chinese landraces (CL) and modern Chi...
Figure S2. Analysis of population structure in 480 Chinese wheat accessions based on 47 KASP markers...
List of tetraploid wheat species used in the study and their growth habit. Species names are given a...
Table S4. Observed (expected) counts of B. distachyon retention mechanisms by SSD age. Table S5. Obs...
Figure S2. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) distributions on 21 chromosomes in 125 wheat lines, ...
Table S1. GO terms significantly associated with each climate variable. Table S2. Candidate genes co...
Physical positions on the A, B and D genomes of wheat of all markers present on the genetic maps of ...
Table S1. SNP genotypes, plant height, QTL detection rate and genotype and allele frequencies for 91...
Correlation between distance to origin of domestication (km) and genetic diversity (H E ) in rye acc...