Caracteres agronômicos e fisiológicos associados ao progresso do melhoramento genético de trigo no Brasil

  • Beche, Eduardo
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Publication date
February 2013
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia


Knowledge the processes responsible for the progress of genetic gain in grain yield in wheat plant is an essential step for the development of high yield cultivars. The aims of the study were: a) Evaluate the duration of developmental phases in wheat cultivars and quantify the importance of each phase on grain yield and its components. b) characterize physiological and agronomically wheat cultivars released in different decades, to identify selection criteria for continued improvement of genetic progress in Brazil. c) Characterize Brazilian wheat cultivars developed in different decades for the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). Ten wheat cultivars released from1940 to 2009, were examined for two years in a competition essay (2010 and 201...

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