Additional file 3: of Clocks do not tick in unison: isolation of Clock and vrille shed new light on the clockwork model of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis

  • JoĂŁo Gesto (3537641)
  • Gustavo Rivas (3537638)
  • Marcio Pavan (3537623)
  • Antonio Meireles-Filho (3537626)
  • Paulo Amoretty (3537632)
  • Nataly Souza (3537635)
  • Rafaela Bruno (3537620)
  • Alexandre Peixoto (3537617)
Publication date
October 2015


Multiple sequence alignment of CLK orthologues in L. longipalpis [GenBank: KR706373], Ae. aegypti [GenBank:XP_001662706], An. gambiae [GenBank:XP_315720], D. melanogaster [GenBank:AAF50516], M. domestica [GenBank:XP_005180856], R. prolixus [VectorBase:RPRC002110], D. plexippus [GenBank:EHJ69324], A. pernyi [GenBank:AAR14936] and T. castaneum [GenBank:NP_001106937]. The Highlighted regions correspond to the functional domains bHLH (green), PAS (yellow) and poly-Q (purple). Note that PAS spans subunits A and B, both highly conserved in insects. The poly-Q, on the contrary, is very diversed in position and length. Text colors correlate to conservation thresholds for a position. In red font, highly conserved residues (threshold=90 %). In blue f...

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