<p>*Bio02 –mean diurnal range; Bio06 –minimal temperature of coldest month; Bio07 –temperature annual range; Bio08 –mean temperature of wettest quarter; Bio10 –mean temperature of warmest quarter; Bio11 –mean temperature of coldest quarter; Bio12 –annual precipitation; Bio13 –precipitation of wettest month; Bio15 –precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation); Bio18 –precipitation of warmest quarter</p><p>Variables with explanations and altitude ranges for the localities with occurrence of the representatives of the genus <i>Sirthenea</i>. Temperatures given in °C; precipitations given in mm; vegetation cover (Tree) given in %.</p
<p>The flowchart shows the multiple stages of model development and variable selection. Variable def...
<p>A) Relationship between survival probability, plant size (in number of cladodes) and annual rainf...
The number of asterisks indicate model fit (*Low fit, **Moderate fit, ***Good fit). Bold letters out...
<p>The two main explanatory variables for each species are in italic. PC: Percentage contribution; P...
<p>Mean minimum and maximum values were an average of 5% extreme values. MAT = mean annual temperatu...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
Specific climatic variables include: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (BIO6), Annual Mean Temperatur...
FIGURE 5. Principal component analysis based on 21 Worldclim dataset environmental variables extract...
<p>* bio3 (isothermality) can be interpreted as the evenness of temperature over the course of a yea...
<p>“WC4” indicates the model calibration using the WorldClim baseline climate information and four b...
FIG. S6. Values of variables that most contribute in the MaxEnt models for clades A and B of Stenodr...
<p>Mean annual temperature (MAT), temperature of the warmest month (WMMT), temperature of the coldes...
Likelihood and AIC scores for each model for each subfamily for each climatic variable (MAT = mean a...
Identifiers of the Bioclim variables: b1: annual mean temperature; b2: mean diurnal range; b3: isoth...
*<p>AspNS = sine (radiant [aspect angle in degree]); †AspEW = cosine (radiant [aspect angle in d...
<p>The flowchart shows the multiple stages of model development and variable selection. Variable def...
<p>A) Relationship between survival probability, plant size (in number of cladodes) and annual rainf...
The number of asterisks indicate model fit (*Low fit, **Moderate fit, ***Good fit). Bold letters out...
<p>The two main explanatory variables for each species are in italic. PC: Percentage contribution; P...
<p>Mean minimum and maximum values were an average of 5% extreme values. MAT = mean annual temperatu...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
Specific climatic variables include: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (BIO6), Annual Mean Temperatur...
FIGURE 5. Principal component analysis based on 21 Worldclim dataset environmental variables extract...
<p>* bio3 (isothermality) can be interpreted as the evenness of temperature over the course of a yea...
<p>“WC4” indicates the model calibration using the WorldClim baseline climate information and four b...
FIG. S6. Values of variables that most contribute in the MaxEnt models for clades A and B of Stenodr...
<p>Mean annual temperature (MAT), temperature of the warmest month (WMMT), temperature of the coldes...
Likelihood and AIC scores for each model for each subfamily for each climatic variable (MAT = mean a...
Identifiers of the Bioclim variables: b1: annual mean temperature; b2: mean diurnal range; b3: isoth...
*<p>AspNS = sine (radiant [aspect angle in degree]); †AspEW = cosine (radiant [aspect angle in d...
<p>The flowchart shows the multiple stages of model development and variable selection. Variable def...
<p>A) Relationship between survival probability, plant size (in number of cladodes) and annual rainf...
The number of asterisks indicate model fit (*Low fit, **Moderate fit, ***Good fit). Bold letters out...