Contains additional views of the zebrafish expression driven by the zebrafish and mouse version of Regions 6 and 7. The circle in region 6 identifies the expression in the Otic Vesicle (ov). The zebrafish construct shows expression throughout the otic vesicle, while the mouse construct shows a ring of GFP expression around the periphery of the OV, behind the eye. Region 7 shows expression in the olfactory epithelium (oe, zebrafish construct) and the olfactory bulb (ob, mouse construct). These are histologically overlapping tissues in the forebrain: olfactory epithelium is the sensory component of the olfactory bulb. (PNG 1687 kb
Figure S4. Short-term tracing of tamoxifen-induced mCherry-positive cells in the Tg(her5:ERT2CreERT2...
Zebrafish CNSs that did not drive expression activity in the zebrafish transgenic assay. (XLSX 12 kb
Figure S1. Quantification of mCherry-positive cells in the external IL. Proportion of mCherry labele...
Quantitative in situ hybridisation of OlfC-expressing cells. (A-C) Comparison of OlfCc1 expression w...
List of all zebrafish OlfC genes. Gene names, synonyms, accession numbers, genomic localisation in t...
Interspecies comparison of spatial expression patterns. Interspecies comparison of spatial distribut...
Figure S2. Expression of the r4 gene set is unaffected in hoxb1a mutants at least until 24hpf. Expre...
Number of fish expressing a construct in a given tissue, reported as the proportion of fish alive at...
Conserved transcription factor binding motifs in the five zebrafish/mouse syntenic enhancers. Identi...
Figure S3. Endogenous expression of her5 in juvenile zebrafish brains. In situ hybridization of her5...
Distribution properties and significance of differences. A) The first sheet of the spreadsheet conta...
Figure S4. GFP expression patterns in SAGFF120A;UAS:GFP and SAGFF120A;UAS:GFP;UAS:zBoTxBLC:GFP fish....
Table S1. Identification of additional r4, r5 and r6 genes. This file represents the data downloaded...
Model for motif structure and interaction in enhancers involved in the regulation of midline express...
Deletion mutagenesis of the RH2-LCR in the RH2-1/GFP-PAC. Figure S2. Simultaneous recapitulation of ...
Figure S4. Short-term tracing of tamoxifen-induced mCherry-positive cells in the Tg(her5:ERT2CreERT2...
Zebrafish CNSs that did not drive expression activity in the zebrafish transgenic assay. (XLSX 12 kb
Figure S1. Quantification of mCherry-positive cells in the external IL. Proportion of mCherry labele...
Quantitative in situ hybridisation of OlfC-expressing cells. (A-C) Comparison of OlfCc1 expression w...
List of all zebrafish OlfC genes. Gene names, synonyms, accession numbers, genomic localisation in t...
Interspecies comparison of spatial expression patterns. Interspecies comparison of spatial distribut...
Figure S2. Expression of the r4 gene set is unaffected in hoxb1a mutants at least until 24hpf. Expre...
Number of fish expressing a construct in a given tissue, reported as the proportion of fish alive at...
Conserved transcription factor binding motifs in the five zebrafish/mouse syntenic enhancers. Identi...
Figure S3. Endogenous expression of her5 in juvenile zebrafish brains. In situ hybridization of her5...
Distribution properties and significance of differences. A) The first sheet of the spreadsheet conta...
Figure S4. GFP expression patterns in SAGFF120A;UAS:GFP and SAGFF120A;UAS:GFP;UAS:zBoTxBLC:GFP fish....
Table S1. Identification of additional r4, r5 and r6 genes. This file represents the data downloaded...
Model for motif structure and interaction in enhancers involved in the regulation of midline express...
Deletion mutagenesis of the RH2-LCR in the RH2-1/GFP-PAC. Figure S2. Simultaneous recapitulation of ...
Figure S4. Short-term tracing of tamoxifen-induced mCherry-positive cells in the Tg(her5:ERT2CreERT2...
Zebrafish CNSs that did not drive expression activity in the zebrafish transgenic assay. (XLSX 12 kb
Figure S1. Quantification of mCherry-positive cells in the external IL. Proportion of mCherry labele...