Dendrogram of average-linkage hierarchical clustering for 12 ranked gene lists. Twelve ranked gene lists used for constructing the dendrogram were obtained from the analysis of the simulation data under the following conditions: PDEG = 5 %, (0.5, 0.4, 0.1) for (PG1, PG2, PG3), and Nrep = 9. The clustering was performed using the “clusterSample” function with distances defined as (1 - Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient). EBSeq showed the highest AUC values (=96.83 %) in this simulation trial, followed by EEE-E (96.45 %), E-E (96.42 %), DDD-D (96.35 %), D-D (96.31 %), baySeq (96.21 %), edgeR_robust (95.13 %), S-S (94.54 %), SSS-S (94.43 %), PoissonSeq (94.07 %), voom (92.70 %), and SAMseq (92.23 %). (PNG 6 kb
<p>The data contained 10 correlated SNPs (S1, S2, …, S10) and 10 or 100 independent SNPs (N1, …, N10...
Figure S3. Hierarchical clustering of expression levels, based on the rank of the count of exon per ...
The process by which DNA is transformed into gene products, such as RNA and proteins, is called gene...
Dendrogram of average-linkage hierarchical clustering for the Blekhmanâs count data. Results of sa...
Results for Cheung’s RNA-seq count data. For (a–b), Bootstrapping results for Cheung data comparing ...
Results for Schurch’s RNA-seq count data. For (a–b), Bootstrapping results for Schurch data comparin...
Classification of expression patterns for DEGs (based on EBSeq). EBSeq defines a total of five possi...
Abstract Background RNA-seq is a tool for measuring gene expression and is commonly used to identify...
Comparison of DEGs obtained from individual pipelines for the Blekhman’s count data. Sheet 1: Number...
of methods for differential expression analysis on multi-group RNA-seq count data Min Tang†, Jianqia...
Results for Kamei’s microarray data. HSC dendrograms for (a) MAS-, (b) RMA-, and (c) RobLoxBioC-quan...
Average AUC values for simulation data with various options. Average AUC values of 100 trials are sh...
Results for Nakai’s microarray data. (a) HSC dendrogram for Nakai data consisting of 31,099 genes × ...
Dendrogram analysis of hierarchical clustering based on HSPs gene expression. The separation distanc...
Venn diagram of HD analysis results using DA method. Each colored circle represents a different regr...
<p>The data contained 10 correlated SNPs (S1, S2, …, S10) and 10 or 100 independent SNPs (N1, …, N10...
Figure S3. Hierarchical clustering of expression levels, based on the rank of the count of exon per ...
The process by which DNA is transformed into gene products, such as RNA and proteins, is called gene...
Dendrogram of average-linkage hierarchical clustering for the Blekhmanâs count data. Results of sa...
Results for Cheung’s RNA-seq count data. For (a–b), Bootstrapping results for Cheung data comparing ...
Results for Schurch’s RNA-seq count data. For (a–b), Bootstrapping results for Schurch data comparin...
Classification of expression patterns for DEGs (based on EBSeq). EBSeq defines a total of five possi...
Abstract Background RNA-seq is a tool for measuring gene expression and is commonly used to identify...
Comparison of DEGs obtained from individual pipelines for the Blekhman’s count data. Sheet 1: Number...
of methods for differential expression analysis on multi-group RNA-seq count data Min Tang†, Jianqia...
Results for Kamei’s microarray data. HSC dendrograms for (a) MAS-, (b) RMA-, and (c) RobLoxBioC-quan...
Average AUC values for simulation data with various options. Average AUC values of 100 trials are sh...
Results for Nakai’s microarray data. (a) HSC dendrogram for Nakai data consisting of 31,099 genes × ...
Dendrogram analysis of hierarchical clustering based on HSPs gene expression. The separation distanc...
Venn diagram of HD analysis results using DA method. Each colored circle represents a different regr...
<p>The data contained 10 correlated SNPs (S1, S2, …, S10) and 10 or 100 independent SNPs (N1, …, N10...
Figure S3. Hierarchical clustering of expression levels, based on the rank of the count of exon per ...
The process by which DNA is transformed into gene products, such as RNA and proteins, is called gene...