<p>Note: The exclusion numbers provided are not mutually exclusive; * = missing data includes demographic and clinical variables (i.e., race, education, depressed mood) and complaint status at last clinical visit.</p
Baseline characteristics of final study population compared to eligible patients excluded due to inc...
<p>Note: The number of exclusions does not match the number of people as some participants were foun...
*<p>Due to rounding percentages do not always add to 100% ** Where there was missing data for a demo...
<p>A total of 1528 participants were excluded due to missing data, some participants had missing dat...
<p>*Race, ethnicity, and service level all had high levels of missingness and were therefore exclude...
Demographic and clinical characteristics of enrolled participants compared to those who were exclude...
<p>Comparison between patients included in the analysis and patients excluded because of missing adh...
*<p>The number of the participants and percentage (in brackets) are shown in each column, except for...
<p>Number of participants, missing data, fully completed questionnaires, and included questionnaires...
<p>a: Sample <54 because data missing from medical records.</p><p>b: Four participants would not div...
Participant flow. The figure shows that the main data source of the 192 partners used in the current...
<p>IQR – interquartile range. SD – standard deviation.</p><p>For continuous variables the difference...
<p>*There were 988 missing data on BMI category.</p><p>Demographic data of study participants (n = 7...
<p>*: Variable was excluded from modeling. Each row represents one of 617 human cases; each column r...
<p>Percentages are NI inclusive values, with NI restricted values given in parentheses.</p>a<p><i>p<...
Baseline characteristics of final study population compared to eligible patients excluded due to inc...
<p>Note: The number of exclusions does not match the number of people as some participants were foun...
*<p>Due to rounding percentages do not always add to 100% ** Where there was missing data for a demo...
<p>A total of 1528 participants were excluded due to missing data, some participants had missing dat...
<p>*Race, ethnicity, and service level all had high levels of missingness and were therefore exclude...
Demographic and clinical characteristics of enrolled participants compared to those who were exclude...
<p>Comparison between patients included in the analysis and patients excluded because of missing adh...
*<p>The number of the participants and percentage (in brackets) are shown in each column, except for...
<p>Number of participants, missing data, fully completed questionnaires, and included questionnaires...
<p>a: Sample <54 because data missing from medical records.</p><p>b: Four participants would not div...
Participant flow. The figure shows that the main data source of the 192 partners used in the current...
<p>IQR – interquartile range. SD – standard deviation.</p><p>For continuous variables the difference...
<p>*There were 988 missing data on BMI category.</p><p>Demographic data of study participants (n = 7...
<p>*: Variable was excluded from modeling. Each row represents one of 617 human cases; each column r...
<p>Percentages are NI inclusive values, with NI restricted values given in parentheses.</p>a<p><i>p<...
Baseline characteristics of final study population compared to eligible patients excluded due to inc...
<p>Note: The number of exclusions does not match the number of people as some participants were foun...
*<p>Due to rounding percentages do not always add to 100% ** Where there was missing data for a demo...