A script to export randomly sampled SNPs for covariance matrix generation in Bayenv2
These are the three final scripts used for generating the 5159 SNP matrix that was used as a basis f...
Allele count data for a single AFLP locus parsed into individual files. Use these 384 AFLP count dat...
Resulting XtX statistic output from BayEnv2 for each of the 384 polymorphic AFLP loci
A script to export randomly sampled SNPs for covariance matrix generation in Bayenv2
A script to export a random number of equally distant SNPs for matrix generation in Bayenv2
A script to provide Bayenv2 values for haplotypes given in a matrix file and environmental files
BayEnv2 input and output files. sitta4.env and sitta7.env are environment files for max. temp. of wa...
Resulting covariance matrices after removing the 14 top-ranked outliers from the 'control loci' data...
A Matlab script to conduct forward simulations of multiple loci of a quantitative trait setting, and...
Scripts for Discrete Cosine Transforms, Model fitting analyzes and BAMM analyzes of evolutionary phe...
Individual species phenotypic covariance matrices. Zip file containing 145 CSV format-tables
A script to simulate Bayenv2 Bayes factors from 10 best demographic simulations (X chromosome)
Use this file as the 'control loci' input for BayEnv2. This file is analogous to the 'SNPSFILE' desc...
This file contains the Chilko Lake sockeye CJS variance-covariance estimates which are used to calcu...
This is the output averaged from 10 independent runs of Bayenv for genic SNPs in 107 wolves and 6 ec...
These are the three final scripts used for generating the 5159 SNP matrix that was used as a basis f...
Allele count data for a single AFLP locus parsed into individual files. Use these 384 AFLP count dat...
Resulting XtX statistic output from BayEnv2 for each of the 384 polymorphic AFLP loci
A script to export randomly sampled SNPs for covariance matrix generation in Bayenv2
A script to export a random number of equally distant SNPs for matrix generation in Bayenv2
A script to provide Bayenv2 values for haplotypes given in a matrix file and environmental files
BayEnv2 input and output files. sitta4.env and sitta7.env are environment files for max. temp. of wa...
Resulting covariance matrices after removing the 14 top-ranked outliers from the 'control loci' data...
A Matlab script to conduct forward simulations of multiple loci of a quantitative trait setting, and...
Scripts for Discrete Cosine Transforms, Model fitting analyzes and BAMM analyzes of evolutionary phe...
Individual species phenotypic covariance matrices. Zip file containing 145 CSV format-tables
A script to simulate Bayenv2 Bayes factors from 10 best demographic simulations (X chromosome)
Use this file as the 'control loci' input for BayEnv2. This file is analogous to the 'SNPSFILE' desc...
This file contains the Chilko Lake sockeye CJS variance-covariance estimates which are used to calcu...
This is the output averaged from 10 independent runs of Bayenv for genic SNPs in 107 wolves and 6 ec...
These are the three final scripts used for generating the 5159 SNP matrix that was used as a basis f...
Allele count data for a single AFLP locus parsed into individual files. Use these 384 AFLP count dat...
Resulting XtX statistic output from BayEnv2 for each of the 384 polymorphic AFLP loci