<p>Schematic diagrams illustrate how the mean percept durations may change as a stimulus parameter S is varied and dominance shifts gradually from percept 1 to percept 2. The upper row illustrates the weaker percept being affected more and the lower row the stronger percept being affected more. <b>A,D</b>: Proportion of time when percept 1 is dominant decreases monotonically through equidominance (0.5) (dashed lines) in both scenarios. When <i>S</i> < <i>S</i><sub>eq</sub> percept 1 is stronger, when <i>S</i> > <i>S</i><sub>eq</sub> percept 2 is stronger. <b>B,E</b>: Percept durations are equal (<i>T</i><sub>1</sub> = <i>T</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>T</i><sub>eq</sub>) at equidominance (<i>S</i> = <i>S</i><sub>eq</sub>) in both scenarios. When th...
<p>(A) The pattern of perceptual dominance for two representative subjects during foveal presentatio...
<p>A) Representative data is shown for one subject to illustrate perceptual dominance for each stimu...
When the two eyes are presented with different images, perception cycles through a sequence of domin...
<p>Comparison of experimental and computational results. <b>A–C</b>: Proportion integrated, duration...
<p><b>A</b>: Proportion integrated computed across 50 simulations of 240 s at each of 15 values of Δ...
<p>Dominance durations are plotted for percepts with defined luminance for the perceived ‘front’ and...
<p>A: Mean dominance times as a function of stimulus period , for different blank periods . B: Effe...
<p>Within-hemifield dominance durations are presented in dark grey. Between-hemifield dominance dura...
<p>Right eye predominance in the sustained rivalry phase (Experiment 2) is plotted as function of ri...
<p>Left: Visual Shepard stimulus; Right: Visual starfield. The type of auditory stimulation is colou...
<p>Within-eye dominance durations are presented in dark grey. Between-eye dominance durations are pr...
When an ambiguous stimulus is viewed for a prolonged time, perception alternates between the differe...
<p><i>Upper panel</i>: average probability of seeing the ambiguous stimulus moving in the same direc...
<p><b>A</b>: Histogram of 1000 durations from model simulations at Δ<i>f</i> = 5 combined across per...
<p>Mean dominance durations of coherent motion percepts (i.e., exclusive dominance states) plotted a...
<p>(A) The pattern of perceptual dominance for two representative subjects during foveal presentatio...
<p>A) Representative data is shown for one subject to illustrate perceptual dominance for each stimu...
When the two eyes are presented with different images, perception cycles through a sequence of domin...
<p>Comparison of experimental and computational results. <b>A–C</b>: Proportion integrated, duration...
<p><b>A</b>: Proportion integrated computed across 50 simulations of 240 s at each of 15 values of Δ...
<p>Dominance durations are plotted for percepts with defined luminance for the perceived ‘front’ and...
<p>A: Mean dominance times as a function of stimulus period , for different blank periods . B: Effe...
<p>Within-hemifield dominance durations are presented in dark grey. Between-hemifield dominance dura...
<p>Right eye predominance in the sustained rivalry phase (Experiment 2) is plotted as function of ri...
<p>Left: Visual Shepard stimulus; Right: Visual starfield. The type of auditory stimulation is colou...
<p>Within-eye dominance durations are presented in dark grey. Between-eye dominance durations are pr...
When an ambiguous stimulus is viewed for a prolonged time, perception alternates between the differe...
<p><i>Upper panel</i>: average probability of seeing the ambiguous stimulus moving in the same direc...
<p><b>A</b>: Histogram of 1000 durations from model simulations at Δ<i>f</i> = 5 combined across per...
<p>Mean dominance durations of coherent motion percepts (i.e., exclusive dominance states) plotted a...
<p>(A) The pattern of perceptual dominance for two representative subjects during foveal presentatio...
<p>A) Representative data is shown for one subject to illustrate perceptual dominance for each stimu...
When the two eyes are presented with different images, perception cycles through a sequence of domin...