Comparison of the genetic diversity of P. vivax merozoite proteins between southern Mexico and other geographic sites. (DOCX 48 kb
Figure S1. Neighbor-joining tree of 26 unique alleles of the gene encoding msp1 from 18 Plasmodium p...
Distribution of PvDBP gene copy number of 33 PvDBP alleles in isolates from Cambodia and Madagascar ...
Table S2. Sequencing statistics for 69 Plasmodium vivax sequences collected in 3 villages in the Per...
P. vivaxย�merozoite genes: shared haplotypes between southern Mexico and other geographic sites. (DO...
Natural selection and minimal number of recombination events for P. vivax merozoite proteins from di...
P. vivax dbp II , ama1 I-II and msp1 42 ; haplotypes detected in southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (DOCX 4...
P. vivax dbp II polymorphism in isolates from southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (XLSX 12 kb
P. vivax ama1 I-II polymorphisms in isolates from southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (XLSX 12 kb
Parameters of genetic diversity and recombination for pvama1 I-II in parasite populations of differe...
The primers for nested PCR detection of Plasmodium spp. and PvMSP-1. (DOCX 14 kb
Multilingual abstracts in the five official working languages of the United Nations. (PDF 1068 kb
Table S1. Anopheles albimanus and An. pseudopunctipennis: origin, collection and colonization, and g...
Figure S1. Genome wide SNP density. Mean number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across eac...
Genetic differentiation (F ST ) of the Pvama1 gene among Thai, Myanmar and China-Myanmar border popu...
Table S4. Clonality calculations for the 69 P. vivax samples using the Fws (within-host heterozygosi...
Figure S1. Neighbor-joining tree of 26 unique alleles of the gene encoding msp1 from 18 Plasmodium p...
Distribution of PvDBP gene copy number of 33 PvDBP alleles in isolates from Cambodia and Madagascar ...
Table S2. Sequencing statistics for 69 Plasmodium vivax sequences collected in 3 villages in the Per...
P. vivaxย�merozoite genes: shared haplotypes between southern Mexico and other geographic sites. (DO...
Natural selection and minimal number of recombination events for P. vivax merozoite proteins from di...
P. vivax dbp II , ama1 I-II and msp1 42 ; haplotypes detected in southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (DOCX 4...
P. vivax dbp II polymorphism in isolates from southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (XLSX 12 kb
P. vivax ama1 I-II polymorphisms in isolates from southern Mexico, 2006–2007. (XLSX 12 kb
Parameters of genetic diversity and recombination for pvama1 I-II in parasite populations of differe...
The primers for nested PCR detection of Plasmodium spp. and PvMSP-1. (DOCX 14 kb
Multilingual abstracts in the five official working languages of the United Nations. (PDF 1068 kb
Table S1. Anopheles albimanus and An. pseudopunctipennis: origin, collection and colonization, and g...
Figure S1. Genome wide SNP density. Mean number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across eac...
Genetic differentiation (F ST ) of the Pvama1 gene among Thai, Myanmar and China-Myanmar border popu...
Table S4. Clonality calculations for the 69 P. vivax samples using the Fws (within-host heterozygosi...
Figure S1. Neighbor-joining tree of 26 unique alleles of the gene encoding msp1 from 18 Plasmodium p...
Distribution of PvDBP gene copy number of 33 PvDBP alleles in isolates from Cambodia and Madagascar ...
Table S2. Sequencing statistics for 69 Plasmodium vivax sequences collected in 3 villages in the Per...