List of Institutions and Independent Ethics Committees/Institutional Review Boards for Studies HZA106829, HZA106827, HZA106837, FFA109685, FFA109687 Study HZA106829: 63 Centres. (DOCX 100 KB
Additional results for patient demographics and baseline characteristics, exacerbation rates, exacer...
Methods S1. Details of the safety protocol for the sub-optimisation of treatment, skin-prick testing...
Beta diversity analysis of the oropharyngeal microbiomes of the azithromycin-treated patients: visit...
Profile of the three Phase III studies included in both the efficacy and safety analyses. (DOCX 47.4...
Profile of the two additional Phase IIb studies included in only the safety analyses. (DOCX 25.6 KB
AEs reported by âĽ3 patients in the Japan+Korea cohort of any relevant treatment arm and the corres...
Adjusted treatment differences from baseline in trough FEV1 at Week 12 (Efficacy population). (DOCX ...
Region ratios of ‘treatment effect’ in Japan+Korea and Not-Japan+Korea patients, where ‘treatment ef...
Summary of the most common adverse events (âĽ5%) in the Asian and non-Asian populations. (DOCX 24 k...
Asthma quality of life questionnaire score (pooled data) in Asian and non-Asian patients, at baselin...
List of institutions and Independent Ethics Committees/Institutional Review Boards for Study DB21161...
Supplementary appendix: The anti-inflammatory duration of action of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol t...
e-table 1: Characteristics of the studies and treatment arms included in the MTC. e-table 2: Results...
Appendix A Clinical Investigations. Appendix B Lung Function Test. Appendix C Biobank Samples. (DOCX...
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 checklist of information to include when r...
Additional results for patient demographics and baseline characteristics, exacerbation rates, exacer...
Methods S1. Details of the safety protocol for the sub-optimisation of treatment, skin-prick testing...
Beta diversity analysis of the oropharyngeal microbiomes of the azithromycin-treated patients: visit...
Profile of the three Phase III studies included in both the efficacy and safety analyses. (DOCX 47.4...
Profile of the two additional Phase IIb studies included in only the safety analyses. (DOCX 25.6 KB
AEs reported by âĽ3 patients in the Japan+Korea cohort of any relevant treatment arm and the corres...
Adjusted treatment differences from baseline in trough FEV1 at Week 12 (Efficacy population). (DOCX ...
Region ratios of ‘treatment effect’ in Japan+Korea and Not-Japan+Korea patients, where ‘treatment ef...
Summary of the most common adverse events (âĽ5%) in the Asian and non-Asian populations. (DOCX 24 k...
Asthma quality of life questionnaire score (pooled data) in Asian and non-Asian patients, at baselin...
List of institutions and Independent Ethics Committees/Institutional Review Boards for Study DB21161...
Supplementary appendix: The anti-inflammatory duration of action of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol t...
e-table 1: Characteristics of the studies and treatment arms included in the MTC. e-table 2: Results...
Appendix A Clinical Investigations. Appendix B Lung Function Test. Appendix C Biobank Samples. (DOCX...
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 checklist of information to include when r...
Additional results for patient demographics and baseline characteristics, exacerbation rates, exacer...
Methods S1. Details of the safety protocol for the sub-optimisation of treatment, skin-prick testing...
Beta diversity analysis of the oropharyngeal microbiomes of the azithromycin-treated patients: visit...