TS genes. Tissue-selective genesets and their respective classifications for brain tissues, blood cells, testis tissues, and ganglion tissues. (ZIP 86 Kb
Table S3. List of low-abundance and sporulation-specific genes used in this study. (XLS 32Â kb
Figure S1. Position clustering of differently expressed genes on chromosomes. Figure S2. Intracellul...
Figure S6. Distribution of genetic interactions. (A) Empirical cumulative distribution of the number...
HK genes. List of housekeeping genes and their classifications into conserved, human-specific, and u...
HK Enrichment. Functional enrichment analysis of different subsets of HK genes. (ZIP 358 Kb
PPI Nets. Protein-protein interaction networks used as input in this study. (ZIP 762 Kb
Sequence similarities. Sequence similarity between yeast and human proteins. (TXT 5888 Kb
Network alignments. Compressed (*.zip) file containing individual tissue-specific alignments. (ZIP 5...
Alignment statistics. Alignment statistics for each tissue alignment. (TXT 10 Kb
Figure S9. Fractions of genes with unknown function. Each bar indicates the fraction of genes with u...
Table S8. Gene and trait presence for 79 species with curated genome sequences [55]. Gene presence w...
Novel candidate conserved homologs associated with genes sets. Sheet 1: results using tissue gene se...
Table S3. List of human housekeeping genes with one-to-one orthologs in chicken. (XLSX 133 kb
Enrichment of the key driver subnetworks for the target genes of the sex hormone receptors. Enrichme...
Figure S2. Bar graph of number of species found in each isolation environment. (PDF 185 kb
Table S3. List of low-abundance and sporulation-specific genes used in this study. (XLS 32Â kb
Figure S1. Position clustering of differently expressed genes on chromosomes. Figure S2. Intracellul...
Figure S6. Distribution of genetic interactions. (A) Empirical cumulative distribution of the number...
HK genes. List of housekeeping genes and their classifications into conserved, human-specific, and u...
HK Enrichment. Functional enrichment analysis of different subsets of HK genes. (ZIP 358 Kb
PPI Nets. Protein-protein interaction networks used as input in this study. (ZIP 762 Kb
Sequence similarities. Sequence similarity between yeast and human proteins. (TXT 5888 Kb
Network alignments. Compressed (*.zip) file containing individual tissue-specific alignments. (ZIP 5...
Alignment statistics. Alignment statistics for each tissue alignment. (TXT 10 Kb
Figure S9. Fractions of genes with unknown function. Each bar indicates the fraction of genes with u...
Table S8. Gene and trait presence for 79 species with curated genome sequences [55]. Gene presence w...
Novel candidate conserved homologs associated with genes sets. Sheet 1: results using tissue gene se...
Table S3. List of human housekeeping genes with one-to-one orthologs in chicken. (XLSX 133 kb
Enrichment of the key driver subnetworks for the target genes of the sex hormone receptors. Enrichme...
Figure S2. Bar graph of number of species found in each isolation environment. (PDF 185 kb
Table S3. List of low-abundance and sporulation-specific genes used in this study. (XLS 32Â kb
Figure S1. Position clustering of differently expressed genes on chromosomes. Figure S2. Intracellul...
Figure S6. Distribution of genetic interactions. (A) Empirical cumulative distribution of the number...