<p>Panel <i>a</i>: log-log scale plot of LM<sub><i>α</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>,<i>y</i></sub> versus Γ<sub><i>α</i><sub><i>i</i></sub>,<i>y</i></sub>, where different regions are denoted in different colours and symbols, as explained in the legend. These data are properly binned (green squares) and best-fitted (solid line) by , in agreement with the theoretical result (2). The best-fit coefficients are <i>a</i> = 1.87 and <i>b</i> = −4.38 ⋅ 10<sup>−4</sup>. The parameter <i>b</i> is introduced to account for the error (calculated in terms of the standard deviation) associated to binned data, which is ≈ 5%. In general, the various regions seem to be homogeneously scattered around the best-fit curve. In the insets we show, as examples, the data ...