(A) Scatterplots showing DNA methylation profiles of matching pairs (MO-iDC; MO-iMAC; iDC-mDC; iMAC-mMAC). CpGs with significant differences (>2-fold change or <0.5-fold change; p < 0.01 and FDR < 0.05) in average results for three samples are highlighted in blue (DCs) or red (MACs). The x-axis and y-axis of each graph correspond to the β values for each paired comparison, as indicated in the lower left corner. (B) A Venn diagram showing the overlap between Zhang et al. [17] data and our own data corresponding to the list of demethylated genes in MO-to-iDC differentiation. (C) Technical validation of the array data by bisulfite pyrosequencing of modified DNA. Three groups of genes are represented: demethylated genes specific to iDC differen...
Chromosomal distribution of DNA methylation read for each maize embryo sample. Each chromosomal was ...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...
Scheme of densitometry analysis. a Equal amounts of PCR product (treated and untreated with restrict...
(A) DNA methylation dynamics of selected loci during MO-to-DC and MO-to-MAC differentiation and matu...
PU.1. contributes to DNA demethylation. (A) Western blot showing decrease in PU.1 levels by treating...
(A) Surface DC and MAC markers analysed by flow cytometry during DC and MAC differentiation in the p...
Relationship between methylation and expression changes in MAC and DC differentiation. “Poised” gene...
(A) Flow cytometry was used to detect surface marker changes in siRNA experiments during DC (-si STA...
Selected DC-specific (blue), MAC-specific (red) and common to DC and MAC (grey) demethylated genes d...
Figure S1. Overview of the EvoImmunoPop experimental setting. Figure S2. Exploring the non-linear ef...
Figure S4. Replication of dexamethasone (DEX)-induced methylation changes (n = 106 subjects) analyze...
Figure S3. Comparison of differentially methylated CpG sites across different cell types. Heatmap of...
Table S1. No adverse effect of methylated AluI-linker on MeDIP enrichment. Table S2. Evidence of a d...
DNA methylation mapping of BMP4 and IGFBP3 tumor suppressor genes in the three hepatoma cell lines. ...
Correlation of methylation level at different gene features with transcript and protein expression l...
Chromosomal distribution of DNA methylation read for each maize embryo sample. Each chromosomal was ...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...
Scheme of densitometry analysis. a Equal amounts of PCR product (treated and untreated with restrict...
(A) DNA methylation dynamics of selected loci during MO-to-DC and MO-to-MAC differentiation and matu...
PU.1. contributes to DNA demethylation. (A) Western blot showing decrease in PU.1 levels by treating...
(A) Surface DC and MAC markers analysed by flow cytometry during DC and MAC differentiation in the p...
Relationship between methylation and expression changes in MAC and DC differentiation. “Poised” gene...
(A) Flow cytometry was used to detect surface marker changes in siRNA experiments during DC (-si STA...
Selected DC-specific (blue), MAC-specific (red) and common to DC and MAC (grey) demethylated genes d...
Figure S1. Overview of the EvoImmunoPop experimental setting. Figure S2. Exploring the non-linear ef...
Figure S4. Replication of dexamethasone (DEX)-induced methylation changes (n = 106 subjects) analyze...
Figure S3. Comparison of differentially methylated CpG sites across different cell types. Heatmap of...
Table S1. No adverse effect of methylated AluI-linker on MeDIP enrichment. Table S2. Evidence of a d...
DNA methylation mapping of BMP4 and IGFBP3 tumor suppressor genes in the three hepatoma cell lines. ...
Correlation of methylation level at different gene features with transcript and protein expression l...
Chromosomal distribution of DNA methylation read for each maize embryo sample. Each chromosomal was ...
Relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. Relationship between DNA methylation and g...
Scheme of densitometry analysis. a Equal amounts of PCR product (treated and untreated with restrict...