Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi genetsku strukturu te filogenetske odnose populacija obrvana, Aphanius fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1821) na lokalitetima koji do sada nisu bili uključeni u slična istraživanja. Sekvencirana su dva genetska biljega te su dobiveni slijedovi nukleotida gena za citokrom b duljine 1.140 parova baza te kontrolne regije mtDNK duljine 396-398 parova baza. Jedinke su prikupljene na osam lokaliteta u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Crnoj Gori i Albaniji, a u analizu je uključeno više objavljenih sekvenci ove vrste, kao i drugih vrsta roda Aphanius. Uočena je niska intrapopulacijska te nešto viša interpopulacijska genetska ranolikost. Sve provedene analize ukazuju na to da istraživane populacije pripadaju nezavisnoj evolucijskoj li...
Diversification of the genus Telestes (Cyprinidae), endemic to the Euro-Mediterranean biogeographic ...
The region of Balkans is often considered as an ichthyologic "hot spot", with a great number of spec...
Aulopyge huegelli Heckel, 1943 (Cypriniformes, Actinopteri) ili oštrulja endem je vodotoka Jadransk...
Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi genetsku strukturu te filogenetske odnose populacija obrvana, Aphan...
The genetic structure of Aphanius fasciatus populations has been analysed using two mitochondrial DN...
In order to investigate the phylogeography and population genetic structure of the South European to...
Aphanius fasciatus is a cyprinodont distributed in the salty coastal water of the central and easter...
Nine populations of Aphanius fasciatus Nardo, 1827 from the central Mediterranean were analysed by e...
Due to the natural fragmentation of its habitats, Aphanius fasciatus, a Cyprininodontid living in co...
Acipenseridae su uz porodicu Polyodontidae jedini živi predstavnici reda Acipenseriformes. One su me...
Secondary freshwater fish species inhabiting fluctuating and extreme environments are susceptible to...
Rod Delminichthys sadrži četiri vrste koje žive na području Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. To su: i...
Die Türkei ist Hotspot für Arten der Gattung Aphanius (Cyprinodontidae), die im Süß- und Brackwasse...
Diversification of the genus Telestes (Cyprinidae), endemic to the Euro-Mediterranean biogeographic ...
The region of Balkans is often considered as an ichthyologic "hot spot", with a great number of spec...
Aulopyge huegelli Heckel, 1943 (Cypriniformes, Actinopteri) ili oštrulja endem je vodotoka Jadransk...
Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi genetsku strukturu te filogenetske odnose populacija obrvana, Aphan...
The genetic structure of Aphanius fasciatus populations has been analysed using two mitochondrial DN...
In order to investigate the phylogeography and population genetic structure of the South European to...
Aphanius fasciatus is a cyprinodont distributed in the salty coastal water of the central and easter...
Nine populations of Aphanius fasciatus Nardo, 1827 from the central Mediterranean were analysed by e...
Due to the natural fragmentation of its habitats, Aphanius fasciatus, a Cyprininodontid living in co...
Acipenseridae su uz porodicu Polyodontidae jedini živi predstavnici reda Acipenseriformes. One su me...
Secondary freshwater fish species inhabiting fluctuating and extreme environments are susceptible to...
Rod Delminichthys sadrži četiri vrste koje žive na području Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. To su: i...
Die Türkei ist Hotspot für Arten der Gattung Aphanius (Cyprinodontidae), die im Süß- und Brackwasse...
Diversification of the genus Telestes (Cyprinidae), endemic to the Euro-Mediterranean biogeographic ...
The region of Balkans is often considered as an ichthyologic "hot spot", with a great number of spec...
Aulopyge huegelli Heckel, 1943 (Cypriniformes, Actinopteri) ili oštrulja endem je vodotoka Jadransk...