Cell type-specific DNA methylation. A) Bisulfite sequencing results of Hpa_1553647. Each row represents the sequence result from bisulfite PCR products. We show four amnion, four amniotic epithelial cell, and amniotic stromal cell results. The amniotic epithelial and stromal cells were isolated from four individuals. The blue arrow indicates the Hpa_1553647 position in the sequencing results. B) Bisulfite MassArray results of Hpa_210409 and Hpa_621984. The y-axis shows the % DNA methylation in amniotic epithelial and amniotic stromal cells (from four individuals). The p values were calculated by a t test. The error bars indicate the standard deviations. (PDF 317 kb
Spearmanâs correlation between CpG 1 and CpG 2 within the PAPPA assay. DNA methylation was average...
Figure S1. RT-PCR analysis for expression of DEFB1 and METTL7B. A. The first well shows the expressi...
PCR primers used to detect gene expression in tissue and cells. Mouse (m), human amniotic epithelial...
Comparison of the DNA methylation distribution of variable HpaII sites. The distributions of the DNA...
Figure S1. Sensitivity analysis of placenta and cord blood models. Scatter plots comparing negative ...
Additional file 2: Fig. S1 is a box plot of array-wide average DNAm per sample. Fig. S2 is a box plo...
Additional file 2. Figure S1: shows the distribution of samples across the ten chips for the discove...
Figure S2. Q-Q plots and p-value distribution histograms of placenta and cord blood models. A and B....
Supplementary tables and figures. Table S1 Pregnancy complications and other outcomes. Table S2 PCR ...
Table S1. DNA methylation levels of H19 ICR (CTCF6), H19 DMR and LINE-1 in control and ART-derived p...
Additional file 1. Table S1: is a table listing the demographic, clinical and technical variables fo...
DNA methylation in fetal livers. a DNA methylation in female and male fetal livers determined by the...
Analysis of placenta-specific DMRs in paired samples using the HM450k methylation arrays. (A) Heatma...
Information on samples used to assess DNAm and gene expression in the placenta. (PDF 174 kb
Methylation profiling of the LIN28B DMR in dizygotic twins. Schematic representation of the LIN28B l...
Spearmanâs correlation between CpG 1 and CpG 2 within the PAPPA assay. DNA methylation was average...
Figure S1. RT-PCR analysis for expression of DEFB1 and METTL7B. A. The first well shows the expressi...
PCR primers used to detect gene expression in tissue and cells. Mouse (m), human amniotic epithelial...
Comparison of the DNA methylation distribution of variable HpaII sites. The distributions of the DNA...
Figure S1. Sensitivity analysis of placenta and cord blood models. Scatter plots comparing negative ...
Additional file 2: Fig. S1 is a box plot of array-wide average DNAm per sample. Fig. S2 is a box plo...
Additional file 2. Figure S1: shows the distribution of samples across the ten chips for the discove...
Figure S2. Q-Q plots and p-value distribution histograms of placenta and cord blood models. A and B....
Supplementary tables and figures. Table S1 Pregnancy complications and other outcomes. Table S2 PCR ...
Table S1. DNA methylation levels of H19 ICR (CTCF6), H19 DMR and LINE-1 in control and ART-derived p...
Additional file 1. Table S1: is a table listing the demographic, clinical and technical variables fo...
DNA methylation in fetal livers. a DNA methylation in female and male fetal livers determined by the...
Analysis of placenta-specific DMRs in paired samples using the HM450k methylation arrays. (A) Heatma...
Information on samples used to assess DNAm and gene expression in the placenta. (PDF 174 kb
Methylation profiling of the LIN28B DMR in dizygotic twins. Schematic representation of the LIN28B l...
Spearmanâs correlation between CpG 1 and CpG 2 within the PAPPA assay. DNA methylation was average...
Figure S1. RT-PCR analysis for expression of DEFB1 and METTL7B. A. The first well shows the expressi...
PCR primers used to detect gene expression in tissue and cells. Mouse (m), human amniotic epithelial...