R environment file for 1000 simulated datasets under BM, and 1000 simulated datasets under BM with a trend (µ = 3)
Dataset S3 contains R code in the file DatasetS3.Rmd and all the necessary raw data files needed to ...
This file contains R code for the data analyzed in the paper from Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution...
This file contains R code for running the simulations described in the manuscript and some functions...
R environment file for 1000 simulated datasets under BM, and 1000 simulated datasets under BM with a...
An R workspace file containing all simulation data needed for plotting the results of the simulation...
This file is the R code used to create the simulated data sets used in this manuscript
A simulation study comparing methods to model lagged effects in environmental time series, specifica...
This file includes all the raw data and the two R files required to generate all the results in Matu...
This file contains a folder with all raw data for the simulations. More instructions can be found in...
Data and R code needed to create Fig 3 in Hargreaves et al (2015) J Evol Biol. One data file for ea...
The zip file contains 5 folders, each corresponding to one of the five scenarios presented in the ma...
Files use for obtaining the results used in figures 3, 4, 5 and 7. For figure 3 the simulation code ...
R-code used for all tree and phenotypic data simulations, and for fitting different models to the si...
This ZIP archive contains R files for simulating a continuous-time stochastic consumer-resource mode...
R environment including the 1000 simulations for Fig. S5 (can be loaded using the command: "load(Sim...
Dataset S3 contains R code in the file DatasetS3.Rmd and all the necessary raw data files needed to ...
This file contains R code for the data analyzed in the paper from Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution...
This file contains R code for running the simulations described in the manuscript and some functions...
R environment file for 1000 simulated datasets under BM, and 1000 simulated datasets under BM with a...
An R workspace file containing all simulation data needed for plotting the results of the simulation...
This file is the R code used to create the simulated data sets used in this manuscript
A simulation study comparing methods to model lagged effects in environmental time series, specifica...
This file includes all the raw data and the two R files required to generate all the results in Matu...
This file contains a folder with all raw data for the simulations. More instructions can be found in...
Data and R code needed to create Fig 3 in Hargreaves et al (2015) J Evol Biol. One data file for ea...
The zip file contains 5 folders, each corresponding to one of the five scenarios presented in the ma...
Files use for obtaining the results used in figures 3, 4, 5 and 7. For figure 3 the simulation code ...
R-code used for all tree and phenotypic data simulations, and for fitting different models to the si...
This ZIP archive contains R files for simulating a continuous-time stochastic consumer-resource mode...
R environment including the 1000 simulations for Fig. S5 (can be loaded using the command: "load(Sim...
Dataset S3 contains R code in the file DatasetS3.Rmd and all the necessary raw data files needed to ...
This file contains R code for the data analyzed in the paper from Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution...
This file contains R code for running the simulations described in the manuscript and some functions...