Summary measures by region of marine biodiversity index (V.MBI) in the four years of research (2002–2005)
Source, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution of ocean climate and ocean productivity variable...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
A list of the pelagic larval durations (PLDs) of 361 coral reef fish species and their sources
Data included when assessing the baseline and prevailing conditions of open Baltic Sea macrofaunal d...
Temporal changes in size-based fish characteristics and sampling within three large marine ecosystem...
Life-history characteristics of marine invertebrates found in species lists at the 91 sites analyzed...
Four text sections and 12 figures providing details of sites, discussion of causes of local scale va...
Summary of fish community metrics for each permanent sample site in Martis Creek, California, 1979–2...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Appendix 2 of special volume: Mediterranean marine demersal resources: the Medits international traw...
A table with results of similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses showing major species characterizing...
Five figures showing variation in average tide height of mussel recruit collectors, relationship bet...
Means and ranges of limnological variables measured in the study ponds and lakes over the survey per...
A description of the empirical study of fish densities across a no-take marine-reserve boundary
Analyses of abundance and diversity of mollusks in patches of different size and structural complexi...
Source, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution of ocean climate and ocean productivity variable...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
A list of the pelagic larval durations (PLDs) of 361 coral reef fish species and their sources
Data included when assessing the baseline and prevailing conditions of open Baltic Sea macrofaunal d...
Temporal changes in size-based fish characteristics and sampling within three large marine ecosystem...
Life-history characteristics of marine invertebrates found in species lists at the 91 sites analyzed...
Four text sections and 12 figures providing details of sites, discussion of causes of local scale va...
Summary of fish community metrics for each permanent sample site in Martis Creek, California, 1979–2...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Appendix 2 of special volume: Mediterranean marine demersal resources: the Medits international traw...
A table with results of similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses showing major species characterizing...
Five figures showing variation in average tide height of mussel recruit collectors, relationship bet...
Means and ranges of limnological variables measured in the study ponds and lakes over the survey per...
A description of the empirical study of fish densities across a no-take marine-reserve boundary
Analyses of abundance and diversity of mollusks in patches of different size and structural complexi...
Source, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution of ocean climate and ocean productivity variable...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
A list of the pelagic larval durations (PLDs) of 361 coral reef fish species and their sources