Full results of modeling aboveground biomass using landscape variables with ordinary least-squares regression and simultaneous autoregressive approaches
Results of randomized-block, split-plot ANOVA models for responses at the treatment-scale, in harves...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Allometric equations developed for species of the FACE site for aboveground biomass
Description of landscape variables used for least-cost path or regression analyses
Detailed results from logistic regressions and phenological analyses, by site and species
A table showing Ordinary Least Squares regression models for tree species richness predictions acros...
Regression parameters for significant site-level models of growth across all species as a function o...
Model documentation of carbon sequestration in aboveground woody biomass without climate and floodin...
Mean aboveground biomass of individual tufts clipped each interval for three consecutive growing sea...
Regression parameters for modeled vs. measured transpiration values across the range of root:leaf ar...
Statistical results of split-plot ANOVA for grass and forb ecosystem measurements in response to sim...
Regression equations for the relationship between percentages of tree cover and stem density (stems ...
Equations to predict aboveground quantities for partially mapped trees in two species
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide: Description...
A table showing Pearsons’s R, adjusted R-squared and p values for the Ordinary Least Squares regress...
Results of randomized-block, split-plot ANOVA models for responses at the treatment-scale, in harves...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Allometric equations developed for species of the FACE site for aboveground biomass
Description of landscape variables used for least-cost path or regression analyses
Detailed results from logistic regressions and phenological analyses, by site and species
A table showing Ordinary Least Squares regression models for tree species richness predictions acros...
Regression parameters for significant site-level models of growth across all species as a function o...
Model documentation of carbon sequestration in aboveground woody biomass without climate and floodin...
Mean aboveground biomass of individual tufts clipped each interval for three consecutive growing sea...
Regression parameters for modeled vs. measured transpiration values across the range of root:leaf ar...
Statistical results of split-plot ANOVA for grass and forb ecosystem measurements in response to sim...
Regression equations for the relationship between percentages of tree cover and stem density (stems ...
Equations to predict aboveground quantities for partially mapped trees in two species
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide: Description...
A table showing Pearsons’s R, adjusted R-squared and p values for the Ordinary Least Squares regress...
Results of randomized-block, split-plot ANOVA models for responses at the treatment-scale, in harves...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Allometric equations developed for species of the FACE site for aboveground biomass