The response in the number of flower heads produced to total planting density and the proportion of other species present in the Seedling Placement Experiment
Results of the two-way ANOVAs (fixed factors: site pair and month) for the mean number of flowers pe...
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Plot occupancy and mean plant density of the 38 focal seed addition species in the immigration treat...
Species, growing conditions, temperature measurements, and sampling regime for the plant-growth expe...
Mean flower density of visited forage plants per m2 from transects in each year, along with the rang...
A figure showing the correlation between the percentage of flowers per inflorescence with pollinatio...
A table showing populations of origin of seeds of Lychnis flos-cuculi used in the greenhouse experim...
Response surface experimental design with varying densities of Solanum carolinense and Solidago alti...
Comparison of analysis of deviance models for the proportion of seedling survivors of species in eac...
A table of tree abundance and basal area of the five species used in manipulative experiments in the...
A table of subanalyses of germination, dormancy, and death data from the laboratory to investigate t...
Percentages of mycorrhizal species colonizing roots of seedlings from the field and greenhouse exper...
Analysis of covariance results for the effects of extract treatment on total seedling mass
Sample sizes per site for pollinator visitor frequency, pollen deposition, and reproduction for the ...
Results of the two-way ANOVAs (fixed factors: site pair and month) for the mean number of flowers pe...
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Plot occupancy and mean plant density of the 38 focal seed addition species in the immigration treat...
Species, growing conditions, temperature measurements, and sampling regime for the plant-growth expe...
Mean flower density of visited forage plants per m2 from transects in each year, along with the rang...
A figure showing the correlation between the percentage of flowers per inflorescence with pollinatio...
A table showing populations of origin of seeds of Lychnis flos-cuculi used in the greenhouse experim...
Response surface experimental design with varying densities of Solanum carolinense and Solidago alti...
Comparison of analysis of deviance models for the proportion of seedling survivors of species in eac...
A table of tree abundance and basal area of the five species used in manipulative experiments in the...
A table of subanalyses of germination, dormancy, and death data from the laboratory to investigate t...
Percentages of mycorrhizal species colonizing roots of seedlings from the field and greenhouse exper...
Analysis of covariance results for the effects of extract treatment on total seedling mass
Sample sizes per site for pollinator visitor frequency, pollen deposition, and reproduction for the ...
Results of the two-way ANOVAs (fixed factors: site pair and month) for the mean number of flowers pe...
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...