Semivariograms of the residuals of the total abundance of bird species per Breeding Bird Survey route within six regions
The associations between bird species' distributions and individual architectural gradients at the l...
Mean values of the continuous variables used in the analysis of dispersal of yellow-bellied marmots
An overview of all studies that estimated repeatabilities and heritabilities for clutch size in natu...
A table showing bird species observed during the survey, with numbers of records (detections), total...
Reproductive data, minimum habitat requirements for a 50% probability of presence, and the number of...
A list of boreal bird species used in the analysis, organized by habitat affinity
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
Life-history and ecological traits of the 43 bird species included in the analyses
Results of the one-factor ANOVA among different desirable states on the density of the nine common b...
:Bird species richness and relative abundance in the forest patches and open habitats
Field methods and analyses of the bird surveys of the Aargau Biodiversity Monitoring Program
Frequency landscapes fit by the logistic regression models for 14 bird species breeding at the Holt ...
A table of the bird species included in the synchrony analyses and their associated functional group...
A table showing the frequency of occurrence for passerine birds detected during point-count surveys ...
Observed frequency landscapes for 14 bird species breeding at the Holt Research Forest, Arrowsic, Ma...
The associations between bird species' distributions and individual architectural gradients at the l...
Mean values of the continuous variables used in the analysis of dispersal of yellow-bellied marmots
An overview of all studies that estimated repeatabilities and heritabilities for clutch size in natu...
A table showing bird species observed during the survey, with numbers of records (detections), total...
Reproductive data, minimum habitat requirements for a 50% probability of presence, and the number of...
A list of boreal bird species used in the analysis, organized by habitat affinity
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
Life-history and ecological traits of the 43 bird species included in the analyses
Results of the one-factor ANOVA among different desirable states on the density of the nine common b...
:Bird species richness and relative abundance in the forest patches and open habitats
Field methods and analyses of the bird surveys of the Aargau Biodiversity Monitoring Program
Frequency landscapes fit by the logistic regression models for 14 bird species breeding at the Holt ...
A table of the bird species included in the synchrony analyses and their associated functional group...
A table showing the frequency of occurrence for passerine birds detected during point-count surveys ...
Observed frequency landscapes for 14 bird species breeding at the Holt Research Forest, Arrowsic, Ma...
The associations between bird species' distributions and individual architectural gradients at the l...
Mean values of the continuous variables used in the analysis of dispersal of yellow-bellied marmots
An overview of all studies that estimated repeatabilities and heritabilities for clutch size in natu...