A list of herbivore species caught and their classification into functional groups
A table showing arthropod taxa sampled during the field experiment and their diet breadth, mobility,...
Two tables with the bird and bumble bee species found, including functional groups for birds
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
A list of identified plant species and their classification into functional groups
Arthropod abundance categorized by functional group for flower species and levels of plant diversity
Species list including information on their phylogenetic group, red-list category, affinity to the f...
A table showing assignment of all plant species growing in the 14 grassland sites to plant functiona...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Summary of invertebrate taxa in the reference and subsidized reaches: functional feeding group class...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table listing the cladoceran species present in each of the 13 investigated regions
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing arthropod taxa sampled during the field experiment and their diet breadth, mobility,...
Two tables with the bird and bumble bee species found, including functional groups for birds
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
A list of identified plant species and their classification into functional groups
Arthropod abundance categorized by functional group for flower species and levels of plant diversity
Species list including information on their phylogenetic group, red-list category, affinity to the f...
A table showing assignment of all plant species growing in the 14 grassland sites to plant functiona...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Summary of invertebrate taxa in the reference and subsidized reaches: functional feeding group class...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table listing the cladoceran species present in each of the 13 investigated regions
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
A table showing arthropod taxa sampled during the field experiment and their diet breadth, mobility,...
Two tables with the bird and bumble bee species found, including functional groups for birds
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds