Estimated proportion of Spartina hybrid and other food sources in macrofaunal diets based on natural abundance stable isotope data
Abundance (number per square meter), biomass (mg AFDM per square meter), and production (mg AFDM per...
The contribution of three food sources (algae, coarse and fine particulate organic matter) to the di...
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Stable-isotope analysis of lizard tails, leaves and seaweed, and estimation of percentage of marine-...
Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio biplots for six frugivorous fish species and food sources during t...
Stable isotope ratios (13C/12C) of carbon (δ13C) for fish and local food sources (benthic invertebra...
Summary of invertebrate taxa in the reference and subsidized reaches: functional feeding group class...
ANOVA of observational data on the distribution and abundance of macroalgal groups
Assumptions involved in the determination of stable isotope composition of phytoplankton: justificat...
Methods and statistical analysis of mass-specific nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios of mat...
Data included when assessing the baseline and prevailing conditions of open Baltic Sea macrofaunal d...
Species abundance of shrimps, crabs, and fishes in primary- and secondary-forest reaches
A table showing the sensitivity of the relationship between food-chain length and ecosystem size to ...
Description of investigations into relationships between algal biomass and herbivore density
Table containing medians and quantiles for zooplankton terrestrial resource reliance estimates
Abundance (number per square meter), biomass (mg AFDM per square meter), and production (mg AFDM per...
The contribution of three food sources (algae, coarse and fine particulate organic matter) to the di...
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Stable-isotope analysis of lizard tails, leaves and seaweed, and estimation of percentage of marine-...
Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio biplots for six frugivorous fish species and food sources during t...
Stable isotope ratios (13C/12C) of carbon (δ13C) for fish and local food sources (benthic invertebra...
Summary of invertebrate taxa in the reference and subsidized reaches: functional feeding group class...
ANOVA of observational data on the distribution and abundance of macroalgal groups
Assumptions involved in the determination of stable isotope composition of phytoplankton: justificat...
Methods and statistical analysis of mass-specific nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios of mat...
Data included when assessing the baseline and prevailing conditions of open Baltic Sea macrofaunal d...
Species abundance of shrimps, crabs, and fishes in primary- and secondary-forest reaches
A table showing the sensitivity of the relationship between food-chain length and ecosystem size to ...
Description of investigations into relationships between algal biomass and herbivore density
Table containing medians and quantiles for zooplankton terrestrial resource reliance estimates
Abundance (number per square meter), biomass (mg AFDM per square meter), and production (mg AFDM per...
The contribution of three food sources (algae, coarse and fine particulate organic matter) to the di...
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...