Coefficients and error distributions for each vital rate used in the integral projection model
Dynamics of replicated open population models with process and measurement error, and examples of em...
<p>Supplemental material, Appendix for Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in margi...
Summary of the model fitting procedure used for random effects for generalized linear mixed model an...
A box-and-whisker plot of point estimates of error rate and figures showing results of simulations
An overview of the population projection matrix for one treatment and sources of data used to estima...
Population growth rate bias and mean-square error in the heterogeneous model and the homogeneous mod...
Determining relative contributions of proximate causes to differences in mortality rates
Standardized and unstandardized maximum-likelihood estimates for the minimal adequate structural equ...
Detailed tables of parameters used for simulations and tables and figures of estimations of specific...
Expression for the joint and posterior distribution of parameters, latent variables, and data
An explanation of the fitting of the cause-specific mortality rates model with the MARK program
A summary of fitted models and parameters with figures of estimated scaling exponents
Simulation results to test the parameter-fitting procedure for the modified incidence function model
A figure showing the distribution of AUC for model fits by the two different methods of simulation
Example illustrating equivalence of survival rate estimates based on full and conditional likelihood...
Dynamics of replicated open population models with process and measurement error, and examples of em...
<p>Supplemental material, Appendix for Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in margi...
Summary of the model fitting procedure used for random effects for generalized linear mixed model an...
A box-and-whisker plot of point estimates of error rate and figures showing results of simulations
An overview of the population projection matrix for one treatment and sources of data used to estima...
Population growth rate bias and mean-square error in the heterogeneous model and the homogeneous mod...
Determining relative contributions of proximate causes to differences in mortality rates
Standardized and unstandardized maximum-likelihood estimates for the minimal adequate structural equ...
Detailed tables of parameters used for simulations and tables and figures of estimations of specific...
Expression for the joint and posterior distribution of parameters, latent variables, and data
An explanation of the fitting of the cause-specific mortality rates model with the MARK program
A summary of fitted models and parameters with figures of estimated scaling exponents
Simulation results to test the parameter-fitting procedure for the modified incidence function model
A figure showing the distribution of AUC for model fits by the two different methods of simulation
Example illustrating equivalence of survival rate estimates based on full and conditional likelihood...
Dynamics of replicated open population models with process and measurement error, and examples of em...
<p>Supplemental material, Appendix for Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in margi...
Summary of the model fitting procedure used for random effects for generalized linear mixed model an...