Correlations in Shannon-Weiner diversity between zooplankton, phytoplankton, and pelagic bacterial communities
Correlation coefficients (r) between invertebrate community characteristics and lichen traits
Interactions between trophic levels during food web assembly can drive positive correlations in dive...
A table (Table B1) showing correlations of monthly values for photosynthetic biomass, diatoms, cyano...
Results of variation partitioning for the taxa richness of phytoplankton and zooplankton in terms of...
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
Environmental characteristics and descriptive community and population genetic parameters for zoopla...
Relative contribution of phytoplankton functional groups to total chlorophyll a biomass
Rarefaction curves for the bacterial communities from individual samples collected from the three ha...
Pearson correlation coefficients of species richness among mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and...
Analyses of abundance and diversity of mollusks in patches of different size and structural complexi...
Time series analysis of phytoplankton littoral ratio and species richness responses to environmental...
Modeling results for phytoplankton when only the cladocerans (seven species) were used as zooplankto...
Zooplankton analysis: detailed methods, model selection results, and standing stock biomass figure
Zooplankton vertical distributions for Lakes Kulik and Nerka (southwestern Alaska)
Field correlations between ephemeral macroalgae, young-of-the-year fish, and environmental variables
Correlation coefficients (r) between invertebrate community characteristics and lichen traits
Interactions between trophic levels during food web assembly can drive positive correlations in dive...
A table (Table B1) showing correlations of monthly values for photosynthetic biomass, diatoms, cyano...
Results of variation partitioning for the taxa richness of phytoplankton and zooplankton in terms of...
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
Environmental characteristics and descriptive community and population genetic parameters for zoopla...
Relative contribution of phytoplankton functional groups to total chlorophyll a biomass
Rarefaction curves for the bacterial communities from individual samples collected from the three ha...
Pearson correlation coefficients of species richness among mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and...
Analyses of abundance and diversity of mollusks in patches of different size and structural complexi...
Time series analysis of phytoplankton littoral ratio and species richness responses to environmental...
Modeling results for phytoplankton when only the cladocerans (seven species) were used as zooplankto...
Zooplankton analysis: detailed methods, model selection results, and standing stock biomass figure
Zooplankton vertical distributions for Lakes Kulik and Nerka (southwestern Alaska)
Field correlations between ephemeral macroalgae, young-of-the-year fish, and environmental variables
Correlation coefficients (r) between invertebrate community characteristics and lichen traits
Interactions between trophic levels during food web assembly can drive positive correlations in dive...
A table (Table B1) showing correlations of monthly values for photosynthetic biomass, diatoms, cyano...