Life history characteristics and population parameters of 16 species of Myristicaceae in the 25-ha Yasuní forest dynamics plot
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
A table presenting parameter estimates for model C.1 (in Appendix C) for comparisons of survival tim...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Survival of seedlings of 15 Myristicaceae species in 30 seedling plots within the Yasuní forest dyna...
Life history data and model parameters for all species considered in this analysis
Time-averaged population matrices and corresponding population growth rates λ for seven Primula elat...
A summary of logistic ANCOVAs evaluating the effects of seed mass and habitat on the probability of ...
Abundance and characteristics of each woody plant species found in the two pasture treatments and fi...
Allometric equations used to determine foliar biomass of 35 woody species across five forest types
Seedling survival curves for each species at each site in protected and unprotected gardens
Tables of life-history parameters associated with population models depicted in Figs. 1 and 2
A table of parameters and empirical point estimates for the host-symbiont population dynamics of Cin...
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Figure of recruitment of individual species in the four climate treatments at each site
A table showing annualized changes in density and mortality rates of common tree species in four 1-h...
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
A table presenting parameter estimates for model C.1 (in Appendix C) for comparisons of survival tim...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Survival of seedlings of 15 Myristicaceae species in 30 seedling plots within the Yasuní forest dyna...
Life history data and model parameters for all species considered in this analysis
Time-averaged population matrices and corresponding population growth rates λ for seven Primula elat...
A summary of logistic ANCOVAs evaluating the effects of seed mass and habitat on the probability of ...
Abundance and characteristics of each woody plant species found in the two pasture treatments and fi...
Allometric equations used to determine foliar biomass of 35 woody species across five forest types
Seedling survival curves for each species at each site in protected and unprotected gardens
Tables of life-history parameters associated with population models depicted in Figs. 1 and 2
A table of parameters and empirical point estimates for the host-symbiont population dynamics of Cin...
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Figure of recruitment of individual species in the four climate treatments at each site
A table showing annualized changes in density and mortality rates of common tree species in four 1-h...
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
A table presenting parameter estimates for model C.1 (in Appendix C) for comparisons of survival tim...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...