The Pearson correlation coefficients for precipitation variables and the moments of the trait distribution in plots and 1° grid cells
Parameter estimates, 95% approximate confidence intervals, and correlation information for the model...
A correlation matrix with the three variables used in the principal-components analysis: relative hu...
Pearson’s product moment correlation matrix for the relationship between Delphacodes scolochloa and ...
The Pearson correlation coefficients for temperature variables and the moments of the trait distribu...
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients for all traits measured in the greenhouse experiment...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
A table showing Pearson correlation coefficients between pairs of variables used in combined path an...
The results of a regression through the origin where the moments of the trait distribution of plots ...
Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients between the commercial and ecological traits considered in...
Correlation coefficients obtained between patch water capture and each biophysical attribute
Maps of the moments of the trait distributions using abundance weighting in the FIA plots in 1° by 1...
The Pearson correlation between covariates used in the analysis of occupancy patterns for Batrachoch...
Pearson correlations (r) between tree-level variables and two independent dimensions of tree structu...
Spearman correlation coefficients (Spearman’s rho, ρ) among habitat and landscape variables
The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life ...
Parameter estimates, 95% approximate confidence intervals, and correlation information for the model...
A correlation matrix with the three variables used in the principal-components analysis: relative hu...
Pearson’s product moment correlation matrix for the relationship between Delphacodes scolochloa and ...
The Pearson correlation coefficients for temperature variables and the moments of the trait distribu...
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients for all traits measured in the greenhouse experiment...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
A table showing Pearson correlation coefficients between pairs of variables used in combined path an...
The results of a regression through the origin where the moments of the trait distribution of plots ...
Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients between the commercial and ecological traits considered in...
Correlation coefficients obtained between patch water capture and each biophysical attribute
Maps of the moments of the trait distributions using abundance weighting in the FIA plots in 1° by 1...
The Pearson correlation between covariates used in the analysis of occupancy patterns for Batrachoch...
Pearson correlations (r) between tree-level variables and two independent dimensions of tree structu...
Spearman correlation coefficients (Spearman’s rho, ρ) among habitat and landscape variables
The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life ...
Parameter estimates, 95% approximate confidence intervals, and correlation information for the model...
A correlation matrix with the three variables used in the principal-components analysis: relative hu...
Pearson’s product moment correlation matrix for the relationship between Delphacodes scolochloa and ...