Two tables with the outputs from modeling flying squirrel presence as function of competitive exclusion between raptors and as function of differences in predator community structure
Units of each predator species included in single and multiple species treatments at low, medium, an...
A size-structured predator–prey model with two ontogenetic niche shifts in the predator: details of ...
Details of the identification and selection of studies and statistical analyses used to determine if...
The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) model selection results for Huggins mark–recapture estimation...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
The effects of harvesting on closed predator-prey communities with a type II functional response
Additional information on the occurrence functions to buffer anthropogenic features for the corvid a...
A table showing large- and small-size predators and parasitoids for different combinations of agricu...
Supplemental tables describing environmental variables in each forest stand, tests for phylogenetic ...
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
Detailed description of the empirical study and presence/absence models of species interactions, as ...
Tables containing variable effect sizes and complete model selection results for both germination su...
Variation in number of large predators and small predators during the accessory experiment
Results of the model-building procedure and model assessment against independently collected herbivo...
Tables showing the number and proportion of species captured on roofs and the ground and the results...
Units of each predator species included in single and multiple species treatments at low, medium, an...
A size-structured predator–prey model with two ontogenetic niche shifts in the predator: details of ...
Details of the identification and selection of studies and statistical analyses used to determine if...
The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) model selection results for Huggins mark–recapture estimation...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
The effects of harvesting on closed predator-prey communities with a type II functional response
Additional information on the occurrence functions to buffer anthropogenic features for the corvid a...
A table showing large- and small-size predators and parasitoids for different combinations of agricu...
Supplemental tables describing environmental variables in each forest stand, tests for phylogenetic ...
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
Detailed description of the empirical study and presence/absence models of species interactions, as ...
Tables containing variable effect sizes and complete model selection results for both germination su...
Variation in number of large predators and small predators during the accessory experiment
Results of the model-building procedure and model assessment against independently collected herbivo...
Tables showing the number and proportion of species captured on roofs and the ground and the results...
Units of each predator species included in single and multiple species treatments at low, medium, an...
A size-structured predator–prey model with two ontogenetic niche shifts in the predator: details of ...
Details of the identification and selection of studies and statistical analyses used to determine if...