Changes in herbivore individual body mass through time in response to temperature and nitrogen addition
Detailed list of the 42 traits initially considered to predict leaf standing herbivore damage and gr...
Relative growth rate (means ± SE) of European and North American generalist herbivores fed European ...
Mammals maintain specific body temperatures (Tb) across a broad range of ambient temperatures. The e...
Changes in herbivore abundance and biomass through time in response to temperature and nitrogen addi...
Effect of temperature and nitrogen on herbivore phenology (i.e., three-way interaction between tempe...
Individual plant shoot and root biomass responses to soil feedback and herbivory
A figure showing annual variations in lamb body mass of males predicted from the selected model for ...
Figures showing the effect of changes in the cannibalism rate on predator and prey isoclines and equ...
Regressions of latitudinal variation in body size and species richness and temporal changes in speci...
The effect of soil moisture treatments on the number of predator and detritivore individuals
Belt transects: means and statistical results showing the effects of the warming treatment and year ...
Statistical results for predator kairomone and temperature effects on Bythotrephes morphology and li...
Graphical representations of direct and indirect effects of environment in early life on adult body ...
Experimental treatments and efficacy: intertidal physical stress, herbivores, and nutrients
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
Detailed list of the 42 traits initially considered to predict leaf standing herbivore damage and gr...
Relative growth rate (means ± SE) of European and North American generalist herbivores fed European ...
Mammals maintain specific body temperatures (Tb) across a broad range of ambient temperatures. The e...
Changes in herbivore abundance and biomass through time in response to temperature and nitrogen addi...
Effect of temperature and nitrogen on herbivore phenology (i.e., three-way interaction between tempe...
Individual plant shoot and root biomass responses to soil feedback and herbivory
A figure showing annual variations in lamb body mass of males predicted from the selected model for ...
Figures showing the effect of changes in the cannibalism rate on predator and prey isoclines and equ...
Regressions of latitudinal variation in body size and species richness and temporal changes in speci...
The effect of soil moisture treatments on the number of predator and detritivore individuals
Belt transects: means and statistical results showing the effects of the warming treatment and year ...
Statistical results for predator kairomone and temperature effects on Bythotrephes morphology and li...
Graphical representations of direct and indirect effects of environment in early life on adult body ...
Experimental treatments and efficacy: intertidal physical stress, herbivores, and nutrients
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
Detailed list of the 42 traits initially considered to predict leaf standing herbivore damage and gr...
Relative growth rate (means ± SE) of European and North American generalist herbivores fed European ...
Mammals maintain specific body temperatures (Tb) across a broad range of ambient temperatures. The e...