Taxonomic authorities, origin, and primary habitat type for species in the study
A list of boreal bird species used in the analysis, organized by habitat affinity
An overview of species and their frequency of occurrence in pooled transects and centers of organic ...
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
Species used in the study including classifications of invasiveness and noninvasiveness
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
Common names, scientific names, and migratory and range restriction categories for species recorded
Study species, their habitat associations, and experimentally assessed drought sensitivity
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
A table of the means and ranges of habitat properties for the four types of stands studied: old and ...
Detailed list of reptile and amphibian captures and observations organized by general habitat type
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
A cross-tabulation of patch type by habitat type for analyzing the selection of sagebrush (Artemisia...
Species list including information on their phylogenetic group, red-list category, affinity to the f...
Species enumerated in the National Forest Inventory of Guyana and their characteristics
A list of boreal bird species used in the analysis, organized by habitat affinity
An overview of species and their frequency of occurrence in pooled transects and centers of organic ...
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds
Species used in the study including classifications of invasiveness and noninvasiveness
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
Common names, scientific names, and migratory and range restriction categories for species recorded
Study species, their habitat associations, and experimentally assessed drought sensitivity
A table of all bird species captured during the study, and their presence or absence within each hab...
A table of the means and ranges of habitat properties for the four types of stands studied: old and ...
Detailed list of reptile and amphibian captures and observations organized by general habitat type
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
A cross-tabulation of patch type by habitat type for analyzing the selection of sagebrush (Artemisia...
Species list including information on their phylogenetic group, red-list category, affinity to the f...
Species enumerated in the National Forest Inventory of Guyana and their characteristics
A list of boreal bird species used in the analysis, organized by habitat affinity
An overview of species and their frequency of occurrence in pooled transects and centers of organic ...
The species list of zooplankton taxa found during the study period in all experimental ponds