Nitrogen-to-phosphorus (N:P) ratios in newly mature leaves, old leaves, stems, and roots for each of the fertilizer treatments
Mean cover per plant species in field experiment, biochar effect on germination, and mean plant N:P,...
The original root porosity and leaf nitrogen data used to make the Figure 2. in the manuscript. More...
Input flux distribution characteristics of total and major components of carbon, nitrogen, and phosp...
Percentage of phosphorus (P) concentration of foliage, fresh litter, and litter that has been decomp...
Foliar N concentrations (%) in fully expanded leaves from 13 species common to high-nutrient soil (b...
Table showing mass-based and leaf area-based N and P concentrations in live and senesced Pentaclethr...
Percentage of resorption of phosphorus (P) from leaves prior to litterfall and release of P from lit...
Plots of residuals of leaf litter breakdown rates (k dd-1) versus dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)...
Effects of the five scenarios on labeled-N fractions in belowground plant biomass
Detailed description of plant-level production and N efficiency responses of representative vascular...
Distribution of ambient nitrate concentrations and molar nitrate:orthophosphate ratios among streams...
Cumulative soil microbial 15N uptake rate of three nitrogen forms in plots with alpine plants grown ...
A figure showing alkaline/acid phosphatase (APA) activity relative to leucine-aminopeptidase (LAMP) ...
A table showing abundance, biomass, and secondary production of all taxa in the reference stream and...
A figure showing the stoichiometry of soluble C, phosphate-P, and total N, on a litter mass basis
Mean cover per plant species in field experiment, biochar effect on germination, and mean plant N:P,...
The original root porosity and leaf nitrogen data used to make the Figure 2. in the manuscript. More...
Input flux distribution characteristics of total and major components of carbon, nitrogen, and phosp...
Percentage of phosphorus (P) concentration of foliage, fresh litter, and litter that has been decomp...
Foliar N concentrations (%) in fully expanded leaves from 13 species common to high-nutrient soil (b...
Table showing mass-based and leaf area-based N and P concentrations in live and senesced Pentaclethr...
Percentage of resorption of phosphorus (P) from leaves prior to litterfall and release of P from lit...
Plots of residuals of leaf litter breakdown rates (k dd-1) versus dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)...
Effects of the five scenarios on labeled-N fractions in belowground plant biomass
Detailed description of plant-level production and N efficiency responses of representative vascular...
Distribution of ambient nitrate concentrations and molar nitrate:orthophosphate ratios among streams...
Cumulative soil microbial 15N uptake rate of three nitrogen forms in plots with alpine plants grown ...
A figure showing alkaline/acid phosphatase (APA) activity relative to leucine-aminopeptidase (LAMP) ...
A table showing abundance, biomass, and secondary production of all taxa in the reference stream and...
A figure showing the stoichiometry of soluble C, phosphate-P, and total N, on a litter mass basis
Mean cover per plant species in field experiment, biochar effect on germination, and mean plant N:P,...
The original root porosity and leaf nitrogen data used to make the Figure 2. in the manuscript. More...
Input flux distribution characteristics of total and major components of carbon, nitrogen, and phosp...