Tables and figures clarifying the experimental design and functional traits, and additional results from model comparisons, individual trait analysis, and SEMs
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for traits measured in the eight Asteraceae forbs, inc...
Graphs of data further corroborating results and discussion as well as additional simulation results...
Supplementary materials and methods, including expanded descriptions of the study system and species...
A table with the means and standard deviations of the 12 functional traits derived from the 60 speci...
Supporting methods, including detailed descriptions of experimental methods and (supporting) statist...
Tables and figures showing the model selection routine, validation exercises, residual diagnostics a...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Supplementary tables, including correlations, means, and standard deviations of soil variables and p...
Simulation experiments: Full parameter tables for simulations and results from the second, more comp...
A table defining parameters and variables and three figures summarizing methods and results of assay...
Tables of detailed results of the structural equation model including fit statistics and tables of r...
A description of the experimental design showing the functional group composition of individual meso...
A summary table of simulation study results, for all conditions and all parameters
A table showing habitat variables measured that were candidates for each selection order or grain mo...
Tables with complete results of statistical analysis of variables related to fitness
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for traits measured in the eight Asteraceae forbs, inc...
Graphs of data further corroborating results and discussion as well as additional simulation results...
Supplementary materials and methods, including expanded descriptions of the study system and species...
A table with the means and standard deviations of the 12 functional traits derived from the 60 speci...
Supporting methods, including detailed descriptions of experimental methods and (supporting) statist...
Tables and figures showing the model selection routine, validation exercises, residual diagnostics a...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Supplementary tables, including correlations, means, and standard deviations of soil variables and p...
Simulation experiments: Full parameter tables for simulations and results from the second, more comp...
A table defining parameters and variables and three figures summarizing methods and results of assay...
Tables of detailed results of the structural equation model including fit statistics and tables of r...
A description of the experimental design showing the functional group composition of individual meso...
A summary table of simulation study results, for all conditions and all parameters
A table showing habitat variables measured that were candidates for each selection order or grain mo...
Tables with complete results of statistical analysis of variables related to fitness
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for traits measured in the eight Asteraceae forbs, inc...
Graphs of data further corroborating results and discussion as well as additional simulation results...
Supplementary materials and methods, including expanded descriptions of the study system and species...