Basal area, relative basal area, mean dbh, and maximum dbh of trees >2 cm dbh for the main tree species in each of the three Acer platanoides and Ailanthus altissima study sites
Supplementary study site information, including photographs, vegetation data, and allometric equatio...
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for the effect of altitude and region on stem height a...
A list of the dominant tree species on islands and at exposed and protected sites around Gatún Lake
Summary of stem density and basal area (m2/ha), based on six 200 m2 plots (1200 m2 total area) at fi...
A table presenting mean diameter at breast height (dbh), crown radius, and crown area of tree specie...
A table of the co-occurrence of adult trees of the focal species within study sites
Details of study area, basal-area survey adjustments, tree height–dbh regression, frequency distribu...
List of all adult tree and shrub species (>1 m height) encountered in the 27 comparative study plots...
A table showing principal components factor loadings for the sum of the canopy tree (dbh > 10 cm) ba...
Number of stems by size/age class within 5 m radius circles for major plant species near the beginni...
Figure of mean plant size in climate treatments and each study site across all range groups
Equations of the average annual growth of stem volume for 15 dominant tree species on the Tibetan Pl...
Measurement methods and auditing of explanatory variables (tree size, basal area, insolation, elevat...
Plant traits and stand properties for 14 tree species planted at a common garden in central Poland
Annual basal area increment of Scots pine per diameter class; x-axis numbers are the central value o...
Supplementary study site information, including photographs, vegetation data, and allometric equatio...
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for the effect of altitude and region on stem height a...
A list of the dominant tree species on islands and at exposed and protected sites around Gatún Lake
Summary of stem density and basal area (m2/ha), based on six 200 m2 plots (1200 m2 total area) at fi...
A table presenting mean diameter at breast height (dbh), crown radius, and crown area of tree specie...
A table of the co-occurrence of adult trees of the focal species within study sites
Details of study area, basal-area survey adjustments, tree height–dbh regression, frequency distribu...
List of all adult tree and shrub species (>1 m height) encountered in the 27 comparative study plots...
A table showing principal components factor loadings for the sum of the canopy tree (dbh > 10 cm) ba...
Number of stems by size/age class within 5 m radius circles for major plant species near the beginni...
Figure of mean plant size in climate treatments and each study site across all range groups
Equations of the average annual growth of stem volume for 15 dominant tree species on the Tibetan Pl...
Measurement methods and auditing of explanatory variables (tree size, basal area, insolation, elevat...
Plant traits and stand properties for 14 tree species planted at a common garden in central Poland
Annual basal area increment of Scots pine per diameter class; x-axis numbers are the central value o...
Supplementary study site information, including photographs, vegetation data, and allometric equatio...
A table showing mixed-effects model summaries for the effect of altitude and region on stem height a...
A list of the dominant tree species on islands and at exposed and protected sites around Gatún Lake