Additional file 1: Table S1. of Biomarker and pathway analyses of urine metabolomics in dairy cows when corn stover replaces alfalfa hay

  • Huizeng Sun (3505238)
  • Bing Wang (126120)
  • Jiakun Wang (3159483)
  • Hongyun Liu (185898)
  • Jianxin Liu (422013)
Publication date
August 2016


Ingredients of the experimental diets based on corn stover and alfalfa hay. Table S2. Identification of significantly different metabolites in urine between the CS and AH groups. Figure S1. The 2-D PCA score map (a) and 2-D PLS-DA score map (b) derived from the GC-TOF/MS metabolite profiles of urine for cows fed CS (red triangle) and AH (green plus). CS = dietcontaining corn stover as main forage; and AH = dietcontaining alfalfa and Chinese wild rye hay as main forage. (DOC 145 kb

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