Gene probability distribution for topic 3. Per-topic gene probability distribution for Topic 3 of the hESC data model computed by cellTree. (PDF 56 kb
Table S1. Not1-site-containing transcripts in mouse. Table S2. Not1-site-containing transcripts in h...
Enriched GO terms for deconvolution. This file is in a tab-separated format and contains the top 200...
Additional file 1. Supplementary information. This document contains details of the theoretical deri...
cellTree summary for hESC data. Full list of cell samples in the hESC data set, ordered and annotate...
GO CC Terms for hESC data. Full table of enriched GO CC terms for each topic in hESC data. (PDF 35 k...
GO BP Terms for hESC data. Full table of enriched GO BP terms for each topic in hESC data. (PDF 42 k...
GO CC Terms for myoblast data. Full table of enriched GO CC terms for each topic in myoblast data. (...
GO BP Terms for myoblast data. Full table of enriched GO BP terms for each topic in myoblast data. (...
Table S1. GeneCts per chromosome and cellular location. Gene entries include all subcellular targets...
Figure S3. Quality metrics for single-cell RNA sequencing. A Total gene number of cells maintained i...
RNAi models. Excel table containing statistically significant predictive models found using the RNAi...
Additional file 3:Table S3. Explicit dataset used in Fig. ure 2. Original 16S rRNA gene amplicon seq...
Figure S1. P value distributions calculated as part of the generation of predictive models for metab...
Additional file 2:Table S2. Statistics and estimated parameters for power fits against Vc
Quality control of single-cell RNA-seq analysis. (a) Cumulative gene diversity and gene-body coverag...
Table S1. Not1-site-containing transcripts in mouse. Table S2. Not1-site-containing transcripts in h...
Enriched GO terms for deconvolution. This file is in a tab-separated format and contains the top 200...
Additional file 1. Supplementary information. This document contains details of the theoretical deri...
cellTree summary for hESC data. Full list of cell samples in the hESC data set, ordered and annotate...
GO CC Terms for hESC data. Full table of enriched GO CC terms for each topic in hESC data. (PDF 35 k...
GO BP Terms for hESC data. Full table of enriched GO BP terms for each topic in hESC data. (PDF 42 k...
GO CC Terms for myoblast data. Full table of enriched GO CC terms for each topic in myoblast data. (...
GO BP Terms for myoblast data. Full table of enriched GO BP terms for each topic in myoblast data. (...
Table S1. GeneCts per chromosome and cellular location. Gene entries include all subcellular targets...
Figure S3. Quality metrics for single-cell RNA sequencing. A Total gene number of cells maintained i...
RNAi models. Excel table containing statistically significant predictive models found using the RNAi...
Additional file 3:Table S3. Explicit dataset used in Fig. ure 2. Original 16S rRNA gene amplicon seq...
Figure S1. P value distributions calculated as part of the generation of predictive models for metab...
Additional file 2:Table S2. Statistics and estimated parameters for power fits against Vc
Quality control of single-cell RNA-seq analysis. (a) Cumulative gene diversity and gene-body coverag...
Table S1. Not1-site-containing transcripts in mouse. Table S2. Not1-site-containing transcripts in h...
Enriched GO terms for deconvolution. This file is in a tab-separated format and contains the top 200...
Additional file 1. Supplementary information. This document contains details of the theoretical deri...