<p>Summary of the number of bees analyzed in each of the eight quadruple-cohort colonies.</p
Precise, objective data on brood and honey levels in honey bee colonies can be obtained through the ...
<p>Mean number of spores per bee (×10<sup>6</sup>) at different ages after eclosion for bees used fo...
<p>Total number of studies on neonicotinoids and bees in different crops, study examples for each cr...
The percentage of each group relative to the total is also given. Also the number of treatment-free ...
<p>Summary of the age cohorts at time of quadruple-cohort colony establishment and analysis two week...
Bee biodiversity density results for all known native bee inventory projects with at least 100 speci...
<p>N refers to the number of hives in that treatment group remaining from the original hives on scal...
<p>Proportional representation of the main species kept by 246 Brazilian stingless beekeepers (See <...
<p>Prevalence, co-infection rates and the results of the association analysis of honeybee viruses in...
<p>Summary of main pesticide residue results of honeybee collected pollen loads for each site and ye...
(a) Specimen collection statistics by year of sampling. (b) Proportion of overlap between bee specie...
Percentage of presence of each plant family that was identified through analysis of pollen of 94 hon...
<p>Summary data showing number of blackflies of each species collected using all methods.</p
<p>Number of positive samples on the number of samples analysed (n) with detected pesticides over th...
<p>The number of buzzes recorded is correlated with the number of bees counted during visual observa...
Precise, objective data on brood and honey levels in honey bee colonies can be obtained through the ...
<p>Mean number of spores per bee (×10<sup>6</sup>) at different ages after eclosion for bees used fo...
<p>Total number of studies on neonicotinoids and bees in different crops, study examples for each cr...
The percentage of each group relative to the total is also given. Also the number of treatment-free ...
<p>Summary of the age cohorts at time of quadruple-cohort colony establishment and analysis two week...
Bee biodiversity density results for all known native bee inventory projects with at least 100 speci...
<p>N refers to the number of hives in that treatment group remaining from the original hives on scal...
<p>Proportional representation of the main species kept by 246 Brazilian stingless beekeepers (See <...
<p>Prevalence, co-infection rates and the results of the association analysis of honeybee viruses in...
<p>Summary of main pesticide residue results of honeybee collected pollen loads for each site and ye...
(a) Specimen collection statistics by year of sampling. (b) Proportion of overlap between bee specie...
Percentage of presence of each plant family that was identified through analysis of pollen of 94 hon...
<p>Summary data showing number of blackflies of each species collected using all methods.</p
<p>Number of positive samples on the number of samples analysed (n) with detected pesticides over th...
<p>The number of buzzes recorded is correlated with the number of bees counted during visual observa...
Precise, objective data on brood and honey levels in honey bee colonies can be obtained through the ...
<p>Mean number of spores per bee (×10<sup>6</sup>) at different ages after eclosion for bees used fo...
<p>Total number of studies on neonicotinoids and bees in different crops, study examples for each cr...