Complete information for the Borrelia species in the B. burgdorferi (BBG) epidemiological network. The table includes values of centrality (betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality and PageRank), the clustering coefficient, the cluster in which the ticks circulate, the phylogenetic diversity (PD) of the hosts, the richness of the genera of hosts (GR), the mean pairwise distances of hosts in the phylogenetic tree of the genera of hosts (MPD) and the significance of the MPD index (MPD-P). Negative MPD values and values of MPD-P near 0.01 indicate strong phylogenetic clustering of the hosts of the tick; positive MPD values and higher MPD-P values indicate weak phylogenetic clustering of the hosts of the tick. (CSV 7 kb
A set of 6213 pairs of coordinates of ticks and hosts, as compiled from the literature. The dataset ...
<p>(A) Neighbor-Net network based on chromosomal sequence data that illustrates phylogenetic relatio...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Detailed information on the 96 tick libraries examined here. Figure S1....
Phylogenetic tree of the genera of vertebrates in the epidemiological network of B. burgdorferi (BBG...
The epidemiological network of B. burgdorferi (BBG) as visualised using the ForceAtlas2 algorithm at...
Complete set of data related to the associations of species of ticks, vertebrates and BBG as obtaine...
The phylogenetic tree for the concatenated multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequences of B. burgdor...
[Background]: The bacteria of the Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) (BBG) complex constitute a group of ti...
Contribution: Performed the calculations used to construct the phylogenetic trees and to determine p...
Background: The bacteria of the Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) (BBG) complex constitute a group of tick...
Meta-data on study setup. Outline of the most important meta-data, such as center of each studied la...
Details on how correlation factors were derived and what the name components of the internal variabl...
A summarized network of proteins found in the species of the Spirochaetes phylum. Only the bacterial...
Figure S1. Borreliella plasmid PFam32 protein neighbor-joining tree. Figure S2. Two examples of Borr...
The top ten biological processes and their annotated proteins, separated by groups of species (FL: f...
A set of 6213 pairs of coordinates of ticks and hosts, as compiled from the literature. The dataset ...
<p>(A) Neighbor-Net network based on chromosomal sequence data that illustrates phylogenetic relatio...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Detailed information on the 96 tick libraries examined here. Figure S1....
Phylogenetic tree of the genera of vertebrates in the epidemiological network of B. burgdorferi (BBG...
The epidemiological network of B. burgdorferi (BBG) as visualised using the ForceAtlas2 algorithm at...
Complete set of data related to the associations of species of ticks, vertebrates and BBG as obtaine...
The phylogenetic tree for the concatenated multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequences of B. burgdor...
[Background]: The bacteria of the Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) (BBG) complex constitute a group of ti...
Contribution: Performed the calculations used to construct the phylogenetic trees and to determine p...
Background: The bacteria of the Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) (BBG) complex constitute a group of tick...
Meta-data on study setup. Outline of the most important meta-data, such as center of each studied la...
Details on how correlation factors were derived and what the name components of the internal variabl...
A summarized network of proteins found in the species of the Spirochaetes phylum. Only the bacterial...
Figure S1. Borreliella plasmid PFam32 protein neighbor-joining tree. Figure S2. Two examples of Borr...
The top ten biological processes and their annotated proteins, separated by groups of species (FL: f...
A set of 6213 pairs of coordinates of ticks and hosts, as compiled from the literature. The dataset ...
<p>(A) Neighbor-Net network based on chromosomal sequence data that illustrates phylogenetic relatio...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Detailed information on the 96 tick libraries examined here. Figure S1....